/************************************************************************** * jquery.themepunch.revolution.js - jQuery Plugin for Revolution Slider * @version: 4.6.0 (15.07.2013) * @requires jQuery v1.7 or later (tested on 1.9) * @author ThemePunch **************************************************************************/ function revslider_showDoubleJqueryError(e) { var t = "Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include."; t += "
This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work."; t += "

To fix it you can:
    1. In the Slider Settings -> Troubleshooting set option: Put JS Includes To Body option to true."; t += "
    2. Find the double jquery.js include and remove it."; t = "" + t + ""; jQuery(e).show().html(t); } (function (e, t) { function n(n, i) { if (i.navigationStyle == "preview1" || i.navigationStyle == "preview3" || i.navigationStyle == "preview4") { i.soloArrowLeftHalign = "left"; i.soloArrowLeftValign = "center"; i.soloArrowLeftHOffset = 0; i.soloArrowLeftVOffset = 0; i.soloArrowRightHalign = "right"; i.soloArrowRightValign = "center"; i.soloArrowRightHOffset = 0; i.soloArrowRightVOffset = 0; i.navigationArrows = "solo"; } i.desktop = !navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry|BB10|mobi|tablet|opera mini|nexus 7)/i); if (i.fullWidth != "on" && i.fullScreen != "on") i.autoHeight = "off"; if (i.fullScreen == "on") i.autoHeight = "on"; if (i.fullWidth != "on" && i.fullScreen != "on") forceFulWidth = "off"; if (i.fullWidth == "on" && i.autoHeight == "off") n.css({ maxHeight: i.startheight + "px" }); if ($() && i.hideThumbsOnMobile == "on" && i.navigationType == "thumb") i.navigationType = "none"; if ($() && i.hideBulletsOnMobile == "on" && i.navigationType == "bullet") i.navigationType = "none"; if ($() && i.hideBulletsOnMobile == "on" && i.navigationType == "both") i.navigationType = "none"; if ($() && i.hideArrowsOnMobile == "on") i.navigationArrows = "none"; if (i.forceFullWidth == "on" && n.closest(".forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner").length == 0) { var o = n.parent().offset().left; var u = n.parent().css("marginBottom"); var p = n.parent().css("marginTop"); if (u == t) u = 0; if (p == t) p = 0; n.parent().wrap('
'); n.closest(".forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner").append('
'); n.css({ backgroundColor: n.parent().css("backgroundColor"), backgroundImage: n.parent().css("backgroundImage") }); n.parent().css({ left: 0 - o + "px", position: "absolute", width: e(window).width() }); i.width = e(window).width(); } try { if (i.hideThumbsUnderResolution > e(window).width() && i.hideThumbsUnderResolution != 0) { n.parent().find(".tp-bullets.tp-thumbs").css({ display: "none" }); } else { n.parent().find(".tp-bullets.tp-thumbs").css({ display: "block" }); } } catch (d) {} if (!n.hasClass("revslider-initialised")) { n.addClass("revslider-initialised"); if (n.attr("id") == t) n.attr("id", "revslider-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e3 + 5)); i.firefox13 = false; i.ie = !e.support.opacity; i.ie9 = document.documentMode == 9; i.origcd = i.delay; var v = e.fn.jquery.split("."), g = parseFloat(v[0]), y = parseFloat(v[1]), b = parseFloat(v[2] || "0"); if (g == 1 && y < 7) { n.html( '
The Current Version of jQuery:' + v + "
Please update your jQuery Version to min. 1.7 in Case you wish to use the Revolution Slider Plugin
" ); } if (g > 1) i.ie = false; if (!e.support.transition) e.fn.transition = e.fn.animate; n.find(".caption").each(function () { e(this).addClass("tp-caption"); }); if ($()) { n.find(".tp-caption").each(function () { if (e(this).data("autoplay") == true) e(this).data("autoplay", false); }); } var w = 0; var E = 0; var S = 0; var x = "http"; if (location.protocol === "https:") { x = "https"; } n.find(".tp-caption iframe").each(function (t) { try { if (e(this).attr("src").indexOf("you") > 0 && w == 0) { w = 1; var n = document.createElement("script"); var r = "https"; n.src = r + "://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"; var i = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; var s = true; e("head") .find("*") .each(function () { if (e(this).attr("src") == r + "://www.youtube.com/iframe_api") s = false; }); if (s) { i.parentNode.insertBefore(n, i); } } } catch (o) {} }); n.find(".tp-caption iframe").each(function (t) { try { if (e(this).attr("src").indexOf("vim") > 0 && E == 0) { E = 1; var n = document.createElement("script"); n.src = x + "://a.vimeocdn.com/js/froogaloop2.min.js"; var r = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; var i = true; e("head") .find("*") .each(function () { if (e(this).attr("src") == x + "://a.vimeocdn.com/js/froogaloop2.min.js") i = false; }); if (i) r.parentNode.insertBefore(n, r); } } catch (s) {} }); n.find(".tp-caption video").each(function (t) { e(this).removeClass("video-js").removeClass("vjs-default-skin"); e(this).attr("preload", ""); e(this).css({ display: "none" }); }); if (i.shuffle == "on") { for (var N = 0; N < n.find(">ul:first-child >li").length; N++) { var C = Math.round(Math.random() * n.find(">ul:first-child >li").length); n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + C + ")").prependTo(n.find(">ul:first-child")); } } i.slots = 4; i.act = -1; i.next = 0; if (i.startWithSlide != t) i.next = i.startWithSlide; var k = r("#")[0]; if (k.length < 9) { if (k.split("slide").length > 1) { var L = parseInt(k.split("slide")[1], 0); if (L < 1) L = 1; if (L > n.find(">ul:first >li").length) L = n.find(">ul:first >li").length; i.next = L - 1; } } i.firststart = 1; if (i.navigationHOffset == t) i.navOffsetHorizontal = 0; if (i.navigationVOffset == t) i.navOffsetVertical = 0; n.append('
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + "
"); if (n.find(".tp-bannertimer").length == 0) n.append(''); var A = n.find(".tp-bannertimer"); if (A.length > 0) { A.css({ width: "0%" }); } n.addClass("tp-simpleresponsive"); i.container = n; i.slideamount = n.find(">ul:first >li").length; if (n.height() == 0) n.height(i.startheight); if (i.startwidth == t || i.startwidth == 0) i.startwidth = n.width(); if (i.startheight == t || i.startheight == 0) i.startheight = n.height(); i.width = n.width(); i.height = n.height(); i.bw = i.startwidth / n.width(); i.bh = i.startheight / n.height(); if (i.width != i.startwidth) { i.height = Math.round(i.startheight * (i.width / i.startwidth)); n.height(i.height); } if (i.shadow != 0) { n.parent().append('
'); var o = 0; if (i.forceFullWidth == "on") o = 0 - i.container.parent().offset().left; n.parent().find(".tp-bannershadow").css({ width: i.width, left: o }); } n.find("ul").css({ display: "none" }); var O = n; n.find("ul").css({ display: "block" }); m(n, i); if (i.parallax != "off") Z(n, i); if (i.slideamount > 1) a(n, i); if (i.slideamount > 1 && i.navigationType == "thumb") tt(n, i); if (i.slideamount > 1) f(n, i); if (i.keyboardNavigation == "on") l(n, i); try { c(n, i); } catch (d) {} if (i.hideThumbs > 0) h(n, i); T(n, i); if (i.slideamount > 1) V(n, i); setTimeout(function () { n.trigger("revolution.slide.onloaded"); }, 500); e("body").data("rs-fullScreenMode", false); e(window).on("mozfullscreenchange webkitfullscreenchange fullscreenchange", function () { e("body").data("rs-fullScreenMode", !e("body").data("rs-fullScreenMode")); if (e("body").data("rs-fullScreenMode")) { setTimeout(function () { e(window).trigger("resize"); }, 200); } }); e(window).resize(function () { if (e("body").find(n) != 0) if (i.forceFullWidth == "on") { var t = i.container.closest(".forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner").offset().left; i.container.parent().css({ left: 0 - t + "px", width: e(window).width() }); } if (n.outerWidth(true) != i.width || n.is(":hidden")) { s(n, i); } }); try { if (i.hideThumbsUnderResoluition != 0 && i.navigationType == "thumb") { if (i.hideThumbsUnderResoluition > e(window).width()) e(".tp-bullets").css({ display: "none" }); else e(".tp-bullets").css({ display: "block" }); } } catch (d) {} n.find(".tp-scrollbelowslider").on("click", function () { var t = 0; try { t = e("body").find(i.fullScreenOffsetContainer).height(); } catch (r) {} try { t = t - e(this).data("scrolloffset"); } catch (r) {} e("body,html").animate({ scrollTop: n.offset().top + n.find(">ul >li").height() - t + "px" }, { duration: 400 }); }); var M = n.parent(); if (e(window).width() < i.hideSliderAtLimit) { n.trigger("stoptimer"); if (M.css("display") != "none") M.data("olddisplay", M.css("display")); M.css({ display: "none" }); } } } e.fn.extend({ revolution: function (r) { defaults = { delay: 9e3, startheight: 500, startwidth: 960, fullScreenAlignForce: "off", autoHeight: "off", hideTimerBar: "off", hideThumbs: 200, hideNavDelayOnMobile: 1500, thumbWidth: 100, thumbHeight: 50, thumbAmount: 3, navigationType: "bullet", navigationArrows: "solo", navigationInGrid: "off", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideBulletsOnMobile: "off", hideArrowsOnMobile: "off", hideThumbsUnderResoluition: 0, navigationStyle: "round", navigationHAlign: "center", navigationVAlign: "bottom", navigationHOffset: 0, navigationVOffset: 20, soloArrowLeftHalign: "left", soloArrowLeftValign: "center", soloArrowLeftHOffset: 20, soloArrowLeftVOffset: 0, soloArrowRightHalign: "right", soloArrowRightValign: "center", soloArrowRightHOffset: 20, soloArrowRightVOffset: 0, keyboardNavigation: "on", touchenabled: "on", onHoverStop: "on", stopAtSlide: -1, stopAfterLoops: -1, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideSliderAtLimit: 0, shadow: 0, fullWidth: "off", fullScreen: "off", minFullScreenHeight: 0, fullScreenOffsetContainer: "", fullScreenOffset: "0", dottedOverlay: "none", forceFullWidth: "off", spinner: "spinner0", swipe_velocity: 0.4, swipe_max_touches: 1, swipe_min_touches: 1, drag_block_vertical: false, isJoomla: false, parallax: "off", parallaxLevels: [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85], parallaxBgFreeze: "off", parallaxOpacity: "on", parallaxDisableOnMobile: "off", }; r = e.extend({}, defaults, r); return this.each(function () { try { console.groupCollapsed("Slider Revolution 4.5.7 Initialisation on " + e(this).attr("id")); console.groupCollapsed("Used Options:"); console.info(r); console.groupEnd(); console.groupCollapsed("Tween Engine:"); } catch (i) {} if (punchgs.TweenLite == t) { try { console.error("GreenSock Engine Does not Exist!"); } catch (i) {} return false; } punchgs.force3D = true; try { console.info("GreenSock Engine Version in Slider Revolution:" + punchgs.TweenLite.version); } catch (i) {} punchgs.TweenLite.lagSmoothing(1e3, 16); punchgs.force3D = "true"; n(e(this), r); try { console.groupEnd(); console.groupEnd(); } catch (i) {} }); }, revscroll: function (t) { return this.each(function () { var n = e(this); e("body,html").animate({ scrollTop: n.offset().top + n.find(">ul >li").height() - t + "px" }, { duration: 400 }); }); }, revredraw: function (t) { return this.each(function () { var t = e(this); var n = t.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); s(t, r); }); }, revpause: function (t) { return this.each(function () { var t = e(this); t.data("conthover", 1); t.data("conthover-changed", 1); t.trigger("revolution.slide.onpause"); var n = t.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); r.bannertimeronpause = true; t.trigger("stoptimer"); }); }, revresume: function (t) { return this.each(function () { var t = e(this); t.data("conthover", 0); t.data("conthover-changed", 1); t.trigger("revolution.slide.onresume"); var n = t.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); r.bannertimeronpause = false; t.trigger("starttimer"); }); }, revnext: function (t) { return this.each(function () { var t = e(this); t.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").click(); }); }, revprev: function (t) { return this.each(function () { var t = e(this); t.parent().find(".tp-leftarrow").click(); }); }, revmaxslide: function (t) { return e(this).find(">ul:first-child >li").length; }, revcurrentslide: function (t) { var n = e(this); var r = n.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"); var i = r.data("opt"); return i.act; }, revlastslide: function (t) { var n = e(this); var r = n.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"); var i = r.data("opt"); return i.lastslide; }, revshowslide: function (t) { return this.each(function () { var n = e(this); n.data("showus", t); n.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").click(); }); }, }); var r = function (e) { var t = [], n; var r = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf(e) + 1).split("_"); for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { r[i] = r[i].replace("%3D", "="); n = r[i].split("="); t.push(n[0]); t[n[0]] = n[1]; } return t; }; var s = function (n, r) { try { if (r.hideThumbsUnderResoluition != 0 && r.navigationType == "thumb") { if (r.hideThumbsUnderResoluition > e(window).width()) e(".tp-bullets").css({ display: "none" }); else e(".tp-bullets").css({ display: "block" }); } } catch (i) {} n.find(".defaultimg").each(function (t) { v(e(this), r); }); var o = n.parent(); if (e(window).width() < r.hideSliderAtLimit) { n.trigger("stoptimer"); if (o.css("display") != "none") o.data("olddisplay", o.css("display")); o.css({ display: "none" }); } else { if (n.is(":hidden")) { if (o.data("olddisplay") != t && o.data("olddisplay") != "undefined" && o.data("olddisplay") != "none") o.css({ display: o.data("olddisplay") }); else o.css({ display: "block" }); n.trigger("restarttimer"); setTimeout(function () { s(n, r); }, 150); } } var u = 0; if (r.forceFullWidth == "on") u = 0 - r.container.parent().offset().left; try { n.parent().find(".tp-bannershadow").css({ width: r.width, left: u }); } catch (i) {} var a = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + r.act + ") .slotholder"); var f = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + r.next + ") .slotholder"); w(n, r, n); punchgs.TweenLite.set(f.find(".defaultimg"), { opacity: 0 }); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); f.find(".defaultimg").each(function () { var i = e(this); if (i.data("kenburn") != t) { i.data("kenburn").restart(); K(n, r, true); } }); var l = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + r.next + ")"); var c = n.parent().find(".tparrows"); if (c.hasClass("preview2")) c.css({ width: parseInt(c.css("minWidth"), 0) }); B(l, r, true); p(n, r); }; var o = function (t, n) { var r = e('
').appendTo(e("body")); r.html(""); var i = r.find("a").length; r.remove(); return i; }; var u = function (e, t) { T(t, e); }; var a = function (t, n) { var r = "hidebullets"; if (n.hideThumbs == 0) r = ""; if (n.navigationType == "bullet" || n.navigationType == "both") { t.parent().append('
'); } var i = t.parent().find(".tp-bullets"); t.find(">ul:first >li").each(function (e) { var n = t.find(">ul:first >li:eq(" + e + ") img:first").attr("src"); i.append('
'); var r = i.find(".bullet:first"); }); i.find(".bullet").each(function (r) { var i = e(this); if (r == n.slideamount - 1) i.addClass("last"); if (r == 0) i.addClass("first"); i.click(function () { var e = false; if (n.navigationArrows == "withbullet" || n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { if (i.index() - 1 == n.act) e = true; } else { if (i.index() == n.act) e = true; } if (n.transition == 0 && !e) { if (n.navigationArrows == "withbullet" || n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { n.next = i.index() - 1; } else { n.next = i.index(); } u(n, t); } }); }); i.append('
'); p(t, n); }; var f = function (e, n) { function a(t) { e.parent().append( '
' ); } var r = e.find(".tp-bullets"); var i = "", s = "hidearrows"; if (n.hideThumbs == 0) s = ""; var o = n.navigationStyle; if (n.navigationArrows == "none") i = "visibility:hidden;display:none"; n.soloArrowStyle = "default" + " " + n.navigationStyle; if (n.navigationArrows != "none" && n.navigationArrows != "nexttobullets") o = n.soloArrowStyle; a("left"); a("right"); e.parent() .find(".tp-rightarrow") .click(function () { if (n.transition == 0) { if (e.data("showus") != t && e.data("showus") != -1) n.next = e.data("showus") - 1; else n.next = n.next + 1; e.data("showus", -1); if (n.next >= n.slideamount) n.next = 0; if (n.next < 0) n.next = 0; if (n.act != n.next) u(n, e); } }); e.parent() .find(".tp-leftarrow") .click(function () { if (n.transition == 0) { n.next = n.next - 1; n.leftarrowpressed = 1; if (n.next < 0) n.next = n.slideamount - 1; u(n, e); } }); p(e, n); }; var l = function (n, r) { e(document).keydown(function (e) { if (r.transition == 0 && e.keyCode == 39) { if (n.data("showus") != t && n.data("showus") != -1) r.next = n.data("showus") - 1; else r.next = r.next + 1; n.data("showus", -1); if (r.next >= r.slideamount) r.next = 0; if (r.next < 0) r.next = 0; if (r.act != r.next) u(r, n); } if (r.transition == 0 && e.keyCode == 37) { r.next = r.next - 1; r.leftarrowpressed = 1; if (r.next < 0) r.next = r.slideamount - 1; u(r, n); } }); p(n, r); }; var c = function (t, n) { if (n.touchenabled == "on") { try { var r = Hammer(t, { drag_block_vertical: n.drag_block_vertical, drag_lock_to_axis: true, swipe_velocity: n.swipe_velocity, swipe_max_touches: n.swipe_max_touches, swipe_min_touches: n.swipe_min_touches, prevent_default: false, }); r.on("swipeleft", function () { if (n.transition == 0) { n.next = n.next + 1; if (n.next == n.slideamount) n.next = 0; u(n, t); } }); r.on("swiperight", function () { if (n.transition == 0) { n.next = n.next - 1; n.leftarrowpressed = 1; if (n.next < 0) n.next = n.slideamount - 1; u(n, t); } }); r.on("swipeup", function () { e("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: t.offset().top + t.height() + "px" }); }); r.on("swipedown", function () { e("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: t.offset().top - e(window).height() + "px" }); }); } catch (i) {} } }; var h = function (e, t) { var n = e.parent().find(".tp-bullets"); var r = e.parent().find(".tparrows"); if (n == null) { e.append('
'); var n = e.parent().find(".tp-bullets"); } if (r == null) { e.append('
'); var r = e.parent().find(".tparrows"); } e.data("hideThumbs", t.hideThumbs); n.addClass("hidebullets"); r.addClass("hidearrows"); if ($()) { try { e.hammer().on("touch", function () { e.addClass("hovered"); if (t.onHoverStop == "on") e.trigger("stoptimer"); clearTimeout(e.data("hideThumbs")); n.removeClass("hidebullets"); r.removeClass("hidearrows"); }); e.hammer().on("release", function () { e.removeClass("hovered"); e.trigger("playtimer"); if (!e.hasClass("hovered") && !n.hasClass("hovered")) e.data( "hideThumbs", setTimeout(function () { n.addClass("hidebullets"); r.addClass("hidearrows"); e.trigger("playtimer"); }, t.hideNavDelayOnMobile) ); }); } catch (i) {} } else { n.hover( function () { t.overnav = true; if (t.onHoverStop == "on") e.trigger("stoptimer"); n.addClass("hovered"); clearTimeout(e.data("hideThumbs")); n.removeClass("hidebullets"); r.removeClass("hidearrows"); }, function () { t.overnav = false; e.trigger("playtimer"); n.removeClass("hovered"); if (!e.hasClass("hovered") && !n.hasClass("hovered")) e.data( "hideThumbs", setTimeout(function () { n.addClass("hidebullets"); r.addClass("hidearrows"); }, t.hideThumbs) ); } ); r.hover( function () { t.overnav = true; if (t.onHoverStop == "on") e.trigger("stoptimer"); n.addClass("hovered"); clearTimeout(e.data("hideThumbs")); n.removeClass("hidebullets"); r.removeClass("hidearrows"); }, function () { t.overnav = false; e.trigger("playtimer"); n.removeClass("hovered"); } ); e.on("mouseenter", function () { e.addClass("hovered"); if (t.onHoverStop == "on") e.trigger("stoptimer"); clearTimeout(e.data("hideThumbs")); n.removeClass("hidebullets"); r.removeClass("hidearrows"); }); e.on("mouseleave", function () { e.removeClass("hovered"); e.trigger("playtimer"); if (!e.hasClass("hovered") && !n.hasClass("hovered")) e.data( "hideThumbs", setTimeout(function () { n.addClass("hidebullets"); r.addClass("hidearrows"); }, t.hideThumbs) ); }); } }; var p = function (t, n) { var r = t.parent(); var i = r.find(".tp-bullets"); if (n.navigationType == "thumb") { i.find(".thumb").each(function (t) { var r = e(this); r.css({ width: n.thumbWidth * n.bw + "px", height: n.thumbHeight * n.bh + "px" }); }); var s = i.find(".tp-mask"); s.width(n.thumbWidth * n.thumbAmount * n.bw); s.height(n.thumbHeight * n.bh); s.parent().width(n.thumbWidth * n.thumbAmount * n.bw); s.parent().height(n.thumbHeight * n.bh); } var o = r.find(".tp-leftarrow"); var u = r.find(".tp-rightarrow"); if (n.navigationType == "thumb" && n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") n.navigationArrows = "solo"; if (n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { o.prependTo(i).css({ float: "left" }); u.insertBefore(i.find(".tpclear")).css({ float: "left" }); } var a = 0; if (n.forceFullWidth == "on") a = 0 - n.container.parent().offset().left; var f = 0, l = 0; if (n.navigationInGrid == "on") { (f = t.width() > n.startwidth ? (t.width() - n.startwidth) / 2 : 0), (l = t.height() > n.startheight ? (t.height() - n.startheight) / 2 : 0); } if (n.navigationArrows != "none" && n.navigationArrows != "nexttobullets") { o.css({ position: "absolute" }); u.css({ position: "absolute" }); if (n.soloArrowLeftValign == "center") o.css({ top: "50%", marginTop: n.soloArrowLeftVOffset - Math.round(o.innerHeight() / 2) + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowLeftValign == "bottom") o.css({ top: "auto", bottom: 0 + n.soloArrowLeftVOffset + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowLeftValign == "top") o.css({ bottom: "auto", top: 0 + n.soloArrowLeftVOffset + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowLeftHalign == "center") o.css({ left: "50%", marginLeft: a + n.soloArrowLeftHOffset - Math.round(o.innerWidth() / 2) + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowLeftHalign == "left") o.css({ left: f + n.soloArrowLeftHOffset + a + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowLeftHalign == "right") o.css({ right: f + n.soloArrowLeftHOffset - a + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowRightValign == "center") u.css({ top: "50%", marginTop: n.soloArrowRightVOffset - Math.round(u.innerHeight() / 2) + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowRightValign == "bottom") u.css({ top: "auto", bottom: 0 + n.soloArrowRightVOffset + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowRightValign == "top") u.css({ bottom: "auto", top: 0 + n.soloArrowRightVOffset + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowRightHalign == "center") u.css({ left: "50%", marginLeft: a + n.soloArrowRightHOffset - Math.round(u.innerWidth() / 2) + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowRightHalign == "left") u.css({ left: f + n.soloArrowRightHOffset + a + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowRightHalign == "right") u.css({ right: f + n.soloArrowRightHOffset - a + "px" }); if (o.position() != null) o.css({ top: Math.round(parseInt(o.position().top, 0)) + "px" }); if (u.position() != null) u.css({ top: Math.round(parseInt(u.position().top, 0)) + "px" }); } if (n.navigationArrows == "none") { o.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); u.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); } if (n.navigationVAlign == "center") i.css({ top: "50%", marginTop: n.navigationVOffset - Math.round(i.innerHeight() / 2) + "px" }); if (n.navigationVAlign == "bottom") i.css({ bottom: 0 + n.navigationVOffset + "px" }); if (n.navigationVAlign == "top") i.css({ top: 0 + n.navigationVOffset + "px" }); if (n.navigationHAlign == "center") i.css({ left: "50%", marginLeft: a + n.navigationHOffset - Math.round(i.innerWidth() / 2) + "px" }); if (n.navigationHAlign == "left") i.css({ left: 0 + n.navigationHOffset + a + "px" }); if (n.navigationHAlign == "right") i.css({ right: 0 + n.navigationHOffset - a + "px" }); }; var d = function (n) { var r = n.container; n.beforli = n.next - 1; n.comingli = n.next + 1; if (n.beforli < 0) n.beforli = n.slideamount - 1; if (n.comingli >= n.slideamount) n.comingli = 0; var i = r.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + n.comingli + ")"), s = r.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + n.beforli + ")"), o = s.find(".defaultimg").attr("src"), u = i.find(".defaultimg").attr("src"); if (n.arr == t) { (n.arr = r.parent().find(".tparrows")), (n.rar = r.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow")), (n.lar = r.parent().find(".tp-leftarrow")), (n.raimg = n.rar.find(".tp-arr-imgholder")), (n.laimg = n.lar.find(".tp-arr-imgholder")), (n.raimg_b = n.rar.find(".tp-arr-imgholder2")), (n.laimg_b = n.lar.find(".tp-arr-imgholder2")), (n.ratit = n.rar.find(".tp-arr-titleholder")), (n.latit = n.lar.find(".tp-arr-titleholder")); } var a = n.arr, f = n.rar, l = n.lar, c = n.raimg, h = n.laimg, p = n.raimg_b, d = n.laimg_b, v = n.ratit, m = n.latit; if (i.data("title") != t) v.html(i.data("title")); if (s.data("title") != t) m.html(s.data("title")); if (f.hasClass("itishovered")) { f.width(v.outerWidth(true) + parseInt(f.css("minWidth"), 0)); } if (l.hasClass("itishovered")) { l.width(m.outerWidth(true) + parseInt(l.css("minWidth"), 0)); } if (a.hasClass("preview2") && !a.hasClass("hashoveralready")) { a.addClass("hashoveralready"); if (!$()) a.hover( function () { var t = e(this), n = t.find(".tp-arr-titleholder"); t.width(n.outerWidth(true) + parseInt(t.css("minWidth"), 0)); t.addClass("itishovered"); }, function () { var t = e(this), n = t.find(".tp-arr-titleholder"); t.css({ width: parseInt(t.css("minWidth"), 0) }); t.removeClass("itishovered"); } ); else { var a = e(this), g = a.find(".tp-arr-titleholder"); g.addClass("alwayshidden"); punchgs.TweenLite.set(g, { autoAlpha: 0 }); } } if (s.data("thumb") != t) o = s.data("thumb"); if (i.data("thumb") != t) u = i.data("thumb"); if (!a.hasClass("preview4")) { punchgs.TweenLite.to(c, 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0, onComplete: function () { c.css({ backgroundImage: "url(" + u + ")" }); h.css({ backgroundImage: "url(" + o + ")" }); }, }); punchgs.TweenLite.to(h, 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0, onComplete: function () { punchgs.TweenLite.to(c, 0.5, { autoAlpha: 1, delay: 0.2 }); punchgs.TweenLite.to(h, 0.5, { autoAlpha: 1, delay: 0.2 }); }, }); } else { p.css({ backgroundImage: "url(" + u + ")" }); d.css({ backgroundImage: "url(" + o + ")" }); punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( p, 0.8, { force3D: punchgs.force3d, x: 0 }, { x: -c.width(), ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, delay: 1, onComplete: function () { c.css({ backgroundImage: "url(" + u + ")" }); punchgs.TweenLite.set(p, { x: 0 }); }, } ); punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( d, 0.8, { force3D: punchgs.force3d, x: 0 }, { x: c.width(), ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, delay: 1, onComplete: function () { h.css({ backgroundImage: "url(" + o + ")" }); punchgs.TweenLite.set(d, { x: 0 }); }, } ); punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( c, 0.8, { x: 0 }, { force3D: punchgs.force3d, x: -c.width(), ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, delay: 1, onComplete: function () { punchgs.TweenLite.set(c, { x: 0 }); }, } ); punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( h, 0.8, { x: 0 }, { force3D: punchgs.force3d, x: c.width(), ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, delay: 1, onComplete: function () { punchgs.TweenLite.set(h, { x: 0 }); }, } ); } if (f.hasClass("preview4") && !f.hasClass("hashoveralready")) { f.addClass("hashoveralready"); f.hover( function () { var t = e(this).find(".tp-arr-iwrapper"); var n = e(this).find(".tp-arr-allwrapper"); punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(t, 0.4, { x: t.width() }, { x: 0, delay: 0.3, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, overwrite: "all" }); punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, 0.2, { autoAlpha: 1, overwrite: "all" }); }, function () { var t = e(this).find(".tp-arr-iwrapper"); var n = e(this).find(".tp-arr-allwrapper"); punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, 0.4, { x: t.width(), ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, delay: 0.2, overwrite: "all" }); punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, 0.2, { delay: 0.6, autoAlpha: 0, overwrite: "all" }); } ); l.hover( function () { var t = e(this).find(".tp-arr-iwrapper"); var n = e(this).find(".tp-arr-allwrapper"); punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(t, 0.4, { x: 0 - t.width() }, { x: 0, delay: 0.3, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, overwrite: "all" }); punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, 0.2, { autoAlpha: 1, overwrite: "all" }); }, function () { var t = e(this).find(".tp-arr-iwrapper"); var n = e(this).find(".tp-arr-allwrapper"); punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, 0.4, { x: 0 - t.width(), ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, delay: 0.2, overwrite: "all" }); punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, 0.2, { delay: 0.6, autoAlpha: 0, overwrite: "all" }); } ); } }; var v = function (n, r) { r.container.closest(".forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner").find(".tp-fullwidth-forcer").css({ height: r.container.height() }); r.container.closest(".rev_slider_wrapper").css({ height: r.container.height() }); r.width = parseInt(r.container.width(), 0); r.height = parseInt(r.container.height(), 0); r.bw = r.width / r.startwidth; r.bh = r.height / r.startheight; if (r.bh > r.bw) r.bh = r.bw; if (r.bh < r.bw) r.bw = r.bh; if (r.bw < r.bh) r.bh = r.bw; if (r.bh > 1) { r.bw = 1; r.bh = 1; } if (r.bw > 1) { r.bw = 1; r.bh = 1; } r.height = Math.round(r.startheight * (r.width / r.startwidth)); if (r.height > r.startheight && r.autoHeight != "on") r.height = r.startheight; if (r.fullScreen == "on") { r.height = r.bw * r.startheight; var i = r.container.parent().width(); var s = e(window).height(); if (r.fullScreenOffsetContainer != t) { try { var o = r.fullScreenOffsetContainer.split(","); e.each(o, function (t, n) { s = s - e(n).outerHeight(true); if (s < r.minFullScreenHeight) s = r.minFullScreenHeight; }); } catch (u) {} try { if (r.fullScreenOffset.split("%").length > 1 && r.fullScreenOffset != t && r.fullScreenOffset.length > 0) { s = s - (e(window).height() * parseInt(r.fullScreenOffset, 0)) / 100; } else { if (r.fullScreenOffset != t && r.fullScreenOffset.length > 0) s = s - parseInt(r.fullScreenOffset, 0); } if (s < r.minFullScreenHeight) s = r.minFullScreenHeight; } catch (u) {} } r.container.parent().height(s); r.container.closest(".rev_slider_wrapper").height(s); r.container.css({ height: "100%" }); r.height = s; } else { r.container.height(r.height); } r.slotw = Math.ceil(r.width / r.slots); if (r.fullScreen == "on") r.sloth = Math.ceil(e(window).height() / r.slots); else r.sloth = Math.ceil(r.height / r.slots); if (r.autoHeight == "on") r.sloth = Math.ceil(n.height() / r.slots); }; var m = function (n, r) { n.find(".tp-caption").each(function () { e(this).addClass(e(this).data("transition")); e(this).addClass("start"); }); n.find(">ul:first").css({ overflow: "hidden", width: "100%", height: "100%", maxHeight: n.parent().css("maxHeight") }); if (r.autoHeight == "on") { n.find(">ul:first").css({ overflow: "hidden", width: "100%", height: "100%", maxHeight: "none" }); n.css({ maxHeight: "none" }); n.parent().css({ maxHeight: "none" }); } n.find(">ul:first >li").each(function (n) { var r = e(this); r.css({ width: "100%", height: "100%", overflow: "hidden" }); if (r.data("link") != t) { var i = r.data("link"); var s = "_self"; var o = 60; if (r.data("slideindex") == "back") o = 0; var u = r.data("linktoslide"); if (r.data("target") != t) s = r.data("target"); if (i == "slide") { r.append( '' ); } else { u = "no"; r.append( '' ); } } }); n.parent().css({ overflow: "visible" }); n.find(">ul:first >li >img").each(function (n) { var i = e(this); i.addClass("defaultimg"); if (i.data("lazyload") != t && i.data("lazydone") != 1) { } else { v(i, r); } i.wrap( '
" ); if (r.dottedOverlay != "none" && r.dottedOverlay != t) i.closest(".slotholder").append('
'); var s = i.attr("src"), u = i.data("lazyload"), a = i.data("bgfit"), f = i.data("bgrepeat"), l = i.data("bgposition"); if (a == t) a = "cover"; if (f == t) f = "no-repeat"; if (l == t) l = "center center"; var c = i.closest(".slotholder"); i.replaceWith( '
' ); if (o(8)) { c.find(".tp-bgimg").css({ backgroundImage: "none", "background-image": "none" }); c.find(".tp-bgimg").append(''); } i.css({ opacity: 0 }); i.data("li-id", n); }); }; var g = function (e, n, r, i) { var s = e, u = s.find(".defaultimg"), a = s.data("zoomstart"), f = s.data("rotationstart"); if (u.data("currotate") != t) f = u.data("currotate"); if (u.data("curscale") != t) a = u.data("curscale"); v(u, n); var l = u.data("src"), c = u.css("background-color"), h = n.width, p = n.height, d = u.data("fxof"); if (n.autoHeight == "on") p = n.container.height(); if (d == t) d = 0; fullyoff = 0; var m = 0, g = u.data("bgfit"), y = u.data("bgrepeat"), w = u.data("bgposition"); if (g == t) g = "cover"; if (y == t) y = "no-repeat"; if (w == t) w = "center center"; if (o(8)) { s.data("kenburns", "off"); var E = l; l = ""; } if (s.data("kenburns") == "on") { g = a; if (g.toString().length < 4) g = J(g, s, n); } if (i == "horizontal") { if (!r) var m = 0 - n.slotw; for (var S = 0; S < n.slots; S++) { s.append( '
' + '
' + '
' + "
" ); if (a != t && f != t) punchgs.TweenLite.set(s.find(".slot").last(), { rotationZ: f }); if (o(8)) { s.find(".slot ") .last() .find(".slotslide") .append(''); b(s, n); } } } else { if (!r) var m = 0 - n.sloth; for (var S = 0; S < n.slots + 2; S++) { s.append( '
' + '
' + '
' + "
" ); if (a != t && f != t) punchgs.TweenLite.set(s.find(".slot").last(), { rotationZ: f }); if (o(8)) { s.find(".slot ") .last() .find(".slotslide") .append(''); b(s, n); } } } }; var y = function (e, n, r) { var i = e; var s = i.find(".defaultimg"); var u = i.data("zoomstart"); var a = i.data("rotationstart"); if (s.data("currotate") != t) a = s.data("currotate"); if (s.data("curscale") != t) u = s.data("curscale") * 100; v(s, n); var f = s.data("src"); var l = s.css("backgroundColor"); var c = n.width; var h = n.height; if (n.autoHeight == "on") h = n.container.height(); var p = s.data("fxof"); if (p == t) p = 0; fullyoff = 0; var d = 0; if (o(8)) { var m = f; f = ""; } var g = 0; if (n.sloth > n.slotw) g = n.sloth; else g = n.slotw; if (!r) { var d = 0 - g; } n.slotw = g; n.sloth = g; var y = 0; var w = 0; var E = s.data("bgfit"); var S = s.data("bgrepeat"); var x = s.data("bgposition"); if (E == t) E = "cover"; if (S == t) S = "no-repeat"; if (x == t) x = "center center"; if (i.data("kenburns") == "on") { E = u; if (E.toString().length < 4) E = J(E, i, n); } for (var T = 0; T < n.slots; T++) { w = 0; for (var N = 0; N < n.slots; N++) { i.append( '
' + '
' + '
' + "
" ); w = w + g; if (o(8)) { i.find(".slot ") .last() .find(".slotslide") .append(''); b(i, n); } if (u != t && a != t) punchgs.TweenLite.set(i.find(".slot").last(), { rotationZ: a }); } y = y + g; } }; var b = function (e, t) { if (o(8)) { var n = e.find(".ieeightfallbackimage"); var r = n.width(), i = n.height(); if (t.startwidth / t.startheight < e.data("owidth") / e.data("oheight")) n.css({ width: "auto", height: "100%" }); else n.css({ width: "100%", height: "auto" }); setTimeout(function () { var r = n.width(), i = n.height(); if (e.data("bgposition") == "center center") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: t.height / 2 - i / 2 + "px", left: t.width / 2 - r / 2 + "px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "center top" || e.data("bgposition") == "top center") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: "0px", left: t.width / 2 - r / 2 + "px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "center bottom" || e.data("bgposition") == "bottom center") n.css({ position: "absolute", bottom: "0px", left: t.width / 2 - r / 2 + "px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "right top" || e.data("bgposition") == "top right") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: "0px", right: "0px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "right bottom" || e.data("bgposition") == "bottom right") n.css({ position: "absolute", bottom: "0px", right: "0px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "right center" || e.data("bgposition") == "center right") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: t.height / 2 - i / 2 + "px", right: "0px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "left bottom" || e.data("bgposition") == "bottom left") n.css({ position: "absolute", bottom: "0px", left: "0px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "left center" || e.data("bgposition") == "center left") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: t.height / 2 - i / 2 + "px", left: "0px" }); }, 20); } }; var w = function (t, n, r) { r.find(".slot").each(function () { e(this).remove(); }); n.transition = 0; }; var E = function (n, r) { n.find("img, .defaultimg").each(function (n) { var i = e(this); if (i.data("lazyload") != i.attr("src") && r < 3 && i.data("lazyload") != t && i.data("lazyload") != "undefined") { if (i.data("lazyload") != t && i.data("lazyload") != "undefined") { i.attr("src", i.data("lazyload")); var s = new Image(); s.onload = function (e) { i.data("lazydone", 1); if (i.hasClass("defaultimg")) S(i, s); }; s.error = function () { i.data("lazydone", 1); }; s.src = i.attr("src"); if (s.complete) { if (i.hasClass("defaultimg")) S(i, s); i.data("lazydone", 1); } } } else { if ((i.data("lazyload") === t || i.data("lazyload") === "undefined") && i.data("lazydone") != 1) { var s = new Image(); s.onload = function () { if (i.hasClass("defaultimg")) S(i, s); i.data("lazydone", 1); }; s.error = function () { i.data("lazydone", 1); }; if (i.attr("src") != t && i.attr("src") != "undefined") { s.src = i.attr("src"); } else s.src = i.data("src"); if (s.complete) { if (i.hasClass("defaultimg")) { S(i, s); } i.data("lazydone", 1); } } } }); }; var S = function (e, t) { var n = e.closest("li"); var r = t.width; var i = t.height; n.data("owidth", r); n.data("oheight", i); n.find(".slotholder").data("owidth", r); n.find(".slotholder").data("oheight", i); n.data("loadeddone", 1); }; var x = function (n, r, i) { E(n, 0); var s = setInterval(function () { i.bannertimeronpause = true; i.container.trigger("stoptimer"); i.cd = 0; var o = 0; n.find("img, .defaultimg").each(function (t) { if (e(this).data("lazydone") != 1) { o++; } }); if (o > 0) E(n, o); else { clearInterval(s); if (r != t) r(); } }, 100); }; var T = function (e, n) { try { var r = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + n.act + ")"); } catch (i) { var r = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)"); } n.lastslide = n.act; var s = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + n.next + ")"); var u = s.find(".defaultimg"); n.bannertimeronpause = true; e.trigger("stoptimer"); n.cd = 0; if (u.data("lazyload") != t && u.data("lazyload") != "undefined" && u.data("lazydone") != 1) { if (!o(8)) u.css({ backgroundImage: 'url("' + s.find(".defaultimg").data("lazyload") + '")' }); else { u.attr("src", s.find(".defaultimg").data("lazyload")); } u.data("src", s.find(".defaultimg").data("lazyload")); u.data("lazydone", 1); u.data("orgw", 0); s.data("loadeddone", 1); e.find(".tp-loader").css({ display: "block" }); x( e.find(".tp-static-layers"), function () { x( s, function () { var t = s.find(".slotholder"); if (t.data("kenburns") == "on") { var r = setInterval(function () { var i = t.data("owidth"); if (i >= 0) { clearInterval(r); N(n, u, e); } }, 10); } else N(n, u, e); }, n ); }, n ); } else { if (s.data("loadeddone") === t) { s.data("loadeddone", 1); x( s, function () { N(n, u, e); }, n ); } else N(n, u, e); } }; var N = function (e, t, n) { e.bannertimeronpause = false; e.cd = 0; n.trigger("nulltimer"); n.find(".tp-loader").css({ display: "none" }); v(t, e); p(n, e); v(t, e); C(n, e); }; var C = function (e, n) { e.trigger("revolution.slide.onbeforeswap"); n.transition = 1; n.videoplaying = false; try { var r = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + n.act + ")"); } catch (i) { var r = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)"); } n.lastslide = n.act; var s = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + n.next + ")"); setTimeout(function () { d(n); }, 200); var o = r.find(".slotholder"); var u = s.find(".slotholder"); if (u.data("kenburns") == "on" || o.data("kenburns") == "on") { Y(e, n); e.find(".kenburnimg").remove(); } if (s.data("delay") != t) { n.cd = 0; n.delay = s.data("delay"); } else { n.delay = n.origcd; } if (n.firststart == 1) punchgs.TweenLite.set(r, { autoAlpha: 0 }); punchgs.TweenLite.set(r, { zIndex: 18 }); punchgs.TweenLite.set(s, { autoAlpha: 0, zIndex: 20 }); var a = 0; if (r.index() != s.index() && n.firststart != 1) { a = U(r, n); } if (r.data("saveperformance") != "on") a = 0; setTimeout(function () { e.trigger("restarttimer"); k(e, n, s, r, o, u); }, a); }; var k = function (n, r, i, s, u, a) { function T() { e.each(d, function (e, t) { if (t[0] == h || t[8] == h) { f = t[1]; p = t[2]; b = w; } w = w + 1; }); } if (i.data("differentissplayed") == "prepared") { i.data("differentissplayed", "done"); i.data("transition", i.data("savedtransition")); i.data("slotamount", i.data("savedslotamount")); i.data("masterspeed", i.data("savedmasterspeed")); } if (i.data("fstransition") != t && i.data("differentissplayed") != "done") { i.data("savedtransition", i.data("transition")); i.data("savedslotamount", i.data("slotamount")); i.data("savedmasterspeed", i.data("masterspeed")); i.data("transition", i.data("fstransition")); i.data("slotamount", i.data("fsslotamount")); i.data("masterspeed", i.data("fsmasterspeed")); i.data("differentissplayed", "prepared"); } var f = 0, l = i.data("transition").split(","), c = i.data("nexttransid"); if (c == t) { c = 0; i.data("nexttransid", c); } else { c = c + 1; if (c == l.length) c = 0; i.data("nexttransid", c); } var h = l[c]; if (r.ie) { if (h == "boxfade") h = "boxslide"; if (h == "slotfade-vertical") h = "slotzoom-vertical"; if (h == "slotfade-horizontal") h = "slotzoom-horizontal"; } if (o(8)) { h = 11; } var p = 0; if (r.parallax == "scroll" && r.parallaxFirstGo == t) { r.parallaxFirstGo = true; et(n, r); setTimeout(function () { et(n, r); }, 210); setTimeout(function () { et(n, r); }, 420); } if (h == "boxslide" || h == "boxfade" || h == "papercut" || h == 0 || h == 1 || h == 16) h = 9; if (h == "slidehorizontal") { h = "slideleft"; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1) h = "slideright"; } if (h == "slidevertical") { h = "slideup"; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1) h = "slidedown"; } if (h == "parallaxhorizontal") { h = "parallaxtoleft"; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1) h = "parallaxtoright"; } if (h == "parallaxvertical") { h = "parallaxtotop"; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1) h = "parallaxtobottom"; } var d = [ ["boxslide", 0, 1, 10, 0, "box", false, null, 0], ["boxfade", 1, 0, 10, 0, "box", false, null, 1], ["slotslide-horizontal", 2, 0, 0, 200, "horizontal", true, false, 2], ["slotslide-vertical", 3, 0, 0, 200, "vertical", true, false, 3], ["curtain-1", 4, 3, 0, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 4], ["curtain-2", 5, 3, 0, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 5], ["curtain-3", 6, 3, 25, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 6], ["slotzoom-horizontal", 7, 0, 0, 400, "horizontal", true, true, 7], ["slotzoom-vertical", 8, 0, 0, 0, "vertical", true, true, 8], ["slotfade-horizontal", 9, 0, 0, 500, "horizontal", true, null, 9], ["slotfade-vertical", 10, 0, 0, 500, "vertical", true, null, 10], ["fade", 11, 0, 1, 300, "horizontal", true, null, 11], ["slideleft", 12, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 12], ["slideup", 13, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 13], ["slidedown", 14, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 14], ["slideright", 15, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 15], ["papercut", 16, 0, 0, 600, "", null, null, 16], ["3dcurtain-horizontal", 17, 0, 20, 100, "vertical", false, true, 17], ["3dcurtain-vertical", 18, 0, 10, 100, "horizontal", false, true, 18], ["cubic", 19, 0, 20, 600, "horizontal", false, true, 19], ["cube", 19, 0, 20, 600, "horizontal", false, true, 20], ["flyin", 20, 0, 4, 600, "vertical", false, true, 21], ["turnoff", 21, 0, 1, 1600, "horizontal", false, true, 22], ["incube", 22, 0, 20, 200, "horizontal", false, true, 23], ["cubic-horizontal", 23, 0, 20, 500, "vertical", false, true, 24], ["cube-horizontal", 23, 0, 20, 500, "vertical", false, true, 25], ["incube-horizontal", 24, 0, 20, 500, "vertical", false, true, 26], ["turnoff-vertical", 25, 0, 1, 200, "horizontal", false, true, 27], ["fadefromright", 12, 1, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 28], ["fadefromleft", 15, 1, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 29], ["fadefromtop", 14, 1, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 30], ["fadefrombottom", 13, 1, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 31], ["fadetoleftfadefromright", 12, 2, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 32], ["fadetorightfadetoleft", 15, 2, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 33], ["fadetobottomfadefromtop", 14, 2, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 34], ["fadetotopfadefrombottom", 13, 2, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 35], ["parallaxtoright", 12, 3, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 36], ["parallaxtoleft", 15, 3, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 37], ["parallaxtotop", 14, 3, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 38], ["parallaxtobottom", 13, 3, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 39], ["scaledownfromright", 12, 4, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 40], ["scaledownfromleft", 15, 4, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 41], ["scaledownfromtop", 14, 4, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 42], ["scaledownfrombottom", 13, 4, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 43], ["zoomout", 13, 5, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 44], ["zoomin", 13, 6, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 45], ["notransition", 26, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, null, 46], ]; var v = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]; var m = [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]; var f = 0; var p = 1; var b = 0; var w = 0; var E = new Array(); if (a.data("kenburns") == "on") { if (h == "boxslide" || h == 0 || h == "boxfade" || h == 1 || h == "papercut" || h == 16) h = 11; K(n, r, true, true); } if (h == "random") { h = Math.round(Math.random() * d.length - 1); if (h > d.length - 1) h = d.length - 1; } if (h == "random-static") { h = Math.round(Math.random() * v.length - 1); if (h > v.length - 1) h = v.length - 1; h = v[h]; } if (h == "random-premium") { h = Math.round(Math.random() * m.length - 1); if (h > m.length - 1) h = m.length - 1; h = m[h]; } var S = [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]; if (r.isJoomla == true && window.MooTools != t && S.indexOf(h) != -1) { var x = Math.round(Math.random() * (m.length - 2)) + 1; if (x > m.length - 1) x = m.length - 1; if (x == 0) x = 1; h = m[x]; } T(); if (o(8) && f > 15 && f < 28) { h = Math.round(Math.random() * v.length - 1); if (h > v.length - 1) h = v.length - 1; h = v[h]; w = 0; T(); } var N = -1; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1 || r.act > r.next) N = 1; r.leftarrowpressed = 0; if (f > 26) f = 26; if (f < 0) f = 0; var C = 300; if (i.data("masterspeed") != t && i.data("masterspeed") > 99 && i.data("masterspeed") < 4001) C = i.data("masterspeed"); E = d[b]; n.parent() .find(".bullet") .each(function () { var t = e(this); t.removeClass("selected"); if (r.navigationArrows == "withbullet" || r.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { if (t.index() - 1 == r.next) t.addClass("selected"); } else { if (t.index() == r.next) t.addClass("selected"); } }); var k = new punchgs.TimelineLite({ onComplete: function () { L(n, r, a, u, i, s, k); }, }); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(a.find(".defaultimg"), { opacity: 0 })); k.pause(); if (i.data("slotamount") == t || i.data("slotamount") < 1) { r.slots = Math.round(Math.random() * 12 + 4); if (h == "boxslide") r.slots = Math.round(Math.random() * 6 + 3); else if (h == "flyin") r.slots = Math.round(Math.random() * 4 + 1); } else { r.slots = i.data("slotamount"); } if (i.data("rotate") == t) r.rotate = 0; else if (i.data("rotate") == 999) r.rotate = Math.round(Math.random() * 360); else r.rotate = i.data("rotate"); if (!e.support.transition || r.ie || r.ie9) r.rotate = 0; if (r.firststart == 1) r.firststart = 0; C = C + E[4]; if ((f == 4 || f == 5 || f == 6) && r.slots < 3) r.slots = 3; if (E[3] != 0) r.slots = Math.min(r.slots, E[3]); if (f == 9) r.slots = r.width / 20; if (f == 10) r.slots = r.height / 20; if (E[5] == "box") { if (E[7] != null) y(u, r, E[7]); if (E[6] != null) y(a, r, E[6]); } else if (E[5] == "vertical" || E[5] == "horizontal") { if (E[7] != null) g(u, r, E[7], E[5]); if (E[6] != null) g(a, r, E[6], E[5]); } if (f == 0) { var A = Math.ceil(r.height / r.sloth); var O = 0; a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); O = O + 1; if (O == A) O = 0; k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.from(n, C / 600, { opacity: 0, top: 0 - r.sloth, left: 0 - r.slotw, rotation: r.rotate, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Power2.easeOut }), (t * 15 + O * 30) / 1500); }); } if (f == 1) { var M, _ = 0; a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); rand = Math.random() * C + 300; rand2 = Math.random() * 500 + 200; if (rand + rand2 > M) { M = rand2 + rand2; _ = t; } k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.from(n, rand / 1e3, { autoAlpha: 0, force3D: "auto", rotation: r.rotate, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut }), rand2 / 1e3); }); } if (f == 2) { var D = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); u.find(".slotslide").each(function () { var t = e(this); D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, C / 1e3, { left: r.slotw, force3D: "auto", rotation: 0 - r.rotate }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function () { var t = e(this); D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.from(t, C / 1e3, { left: 0 - r.slotw, force3D: "auto", rotation: r.rotate }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); } if (f == 3) { var D = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); u.find(".slotslide").each(function () { var t = e(this); D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, C / 1e3, { top: r.sloth, rotation: r.rotate, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600 }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function () { var t = e(this); D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.from(t, C / 1e3, { top: 0 - r.sloth, rotation: r.rotate, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeOut, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600 }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); } if (f == 4 || f == 5) { setTimeout(function () { u.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); }, 100); var P = C / 1e3, H = P, D = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); u.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); var i = (t * P) / r.slots; if (f == 5) i = ((r.slots - t - 1) * P) / r.slots / 1.5; D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, P * 3, { transformPerspective: 600, force3D: "auto", top: 0 + r.height, opacity: 0.5, rotation: r.rotate, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut, delay: i }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); var i = (t * P) / r.slots; if (f == 5) i = ((r.slots - t - 1) * P) / r.slots / 1.5; D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.from(n, P * 3, { top: 0 - r.height, opacity: 0.5, rotation: r.rotate, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut, delay: i }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); } if (f == 6) { if (r.slots < 2) r.slots = 2; if (r.slots % 2) r.slots = r.slots + 1; var D = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); setTimeout(function () { u.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); }, 100); u.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); if (t + 1 < r.slots / 2) var i = (t + 2) * 90; else var i = (2 + r.slots - t) * 90; D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, (C + i) / 1e3, { top: 0 + r.height, opacity: 1, force3D: "auto", rotation: r.rotate, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); if (t + 1 < r.slots / 2) var i = (t + 2) * 90; else var i = (2 + r.slots - t) * 90; D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.from(n, (C + i) / 1e3, { top: 0 - r.height, opacity: 1, force3D: "auto", rotation: r.rotate, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); } if (f == 7) { C = C * 2; var D = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); setTimeout(function () { u.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); }, 100); u.find(".slotslide").each(function () { var t = e(this).find("div"); D.add( punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, C / 1e3, { left: 0 - r.slotw / 2 + "px", top: 0 - r.height / 2 + "px", width: r.slotw * 2 + "px", height: r.height * 2 + "px", opacity: 0, rotation: r.rotate, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Power2.easeOut, }), 0 ); k.add(D, 0); }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this).find("div"); D.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { left: 0, top: 0, opacity: 0, transformPerspective: 600 }, { left: 0 - t * r.slotw + "px", ease: punchgs.Power2.easeOut, force3D: "auto", top: 0 + "px", width: r.width, height: r.height, opacity: 1, rotation: 0, delay: 0.1 } ), 0 ); k.add(D, 0); }); } if (f == 8) { C = C * 3; var D = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); u.find(".slotslide").each(function () { var t = e(this).find("div"); D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, C / 1e3, { left: 0 - r.width / 2 + "px", top: 0 - r.sloth / 2 + "px", width: r.width * 2 + "px", height: r.sloth * 2 + "px", force3D: "auto", opacity: 0, rotation: r.rotate }), 0); k.add(D, 0); }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this).find("div"); D.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { left: 0, top: 0, opacity: 0, force3D: "auto" }, { left: 0 + "px", top: 0 - t * r.sloth + "px", width: a.find(".defaultimg").data("neww") + "px", height: a.find(".defaultimg").data("newh") + "px", opacity: 1, rotation: 0 } ), 0 ); k.add(D, 0); }); } if (f == 9 || f == 10) { var j = 0; a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); j++; k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(n, C / 1e3, { autoAlpha: 0, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600 }, { autoAlpha: 1, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut, delay: (t * 5) / 1e3 }), 0); }); } if (f == 11 || f == 26) { var j = 0; if (f == 26) C = 0; a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.from(n, C / 1e3, { autoAlpha: 0, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut }), 0); }); } if (f == 12 || f == 13 || f == 14 || f == 15) { C = 1e3; setTimeout(function () { punchgs.TweenLite.set(u.find(".defaultimg"), { autoAlpha: 0 }); }, 100); var F = r.width; var I = r.height; var q = a.find(".slotslide"); if (r.fullWidth == "on" || r.fullScreen == "on") { F = q.width(); I = q.height(); } var R = 0; var U = 0; if (f == 12) R = F; else if (f == 15) R = 0 - F; else if (f == 13) U = I; else if (f == 14) U = 0 - I; var z = 1; var W = 1; var X = 1; var V = punchgs.Power2.easeInOut; var $ = punchgs.Power2.easeInOut; var J = C / 1e3; var Q = J; if (p == 1) z = 0; if (p == 2) z = 0; if (p == 3) { V = punchgs.Power2.easeInOut; $ = punchgs.Power1.easeInOut; J = C / 1200; } if (p == 4 || p == 5) W = 0.6; if (p == 6) W = 1.4; if (p == 5 || p == 6) { X = 1.4; z = 0; F = 0; I = 0; R = 0; U = 0; } if (p == 6) X = 0.6; var G = 0; k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.from(q, J, { left: R, top: U, scale: X, opacity: z, rotation: r.rotate, ease: $, force3D: "auto" }), 0); var Y = u.find(".slotslide"); if (p == 4 || p == 5) { F = 0; I = 0; } if (p != 1) { if (f == 12) k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(Y, Q, { left: 0 - F + "px", force3D: "auto", scale: W, opacity: z, rotation: r.rotate, ease: V }), 0); else if (f == 15) k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(Y, Q, { left: F + "px", force3D: "auto", scale: W, opacity: z, rotation: r.rotate, ease: V }), 0); else if (f == 13) k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(Y, Q, { top: 0 - I + "px", force3D: "auto", scale: W, opacity: z, rotation: r.rotate, ease: V }), 0); else if (f == 14) k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(Y, Q, { top: I + "px", orce3D: "auto", scale: W, opacity: z, rotation: r.rotate, ease: V }), 0); } } if (f == 16) { var D = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(s, { position: "absolute", "z-index": 20 }), 0); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(i, { position: "absolute", "z-index": 15 }), 0); s.wrapInner('
'); s.find(".tp-half-one").clone(true).appendTo(s).addClass("tp-half-two"); s.find(".tp-half-two").removeClass("tp-half-one"); var F = r.width; var I = r.height; if (r.autoHeight == "on") I = n.height(); s.find(".tp-half-one .defaultimg").wrap('
'); s.find(".tp-half-two .defaultimg").wrap('
'); s.find(".tp-half-two .defaultimg").css({ position: "absolute", top: "-50%" }); s.find(".tp-half-two .tp-caption").wrapAll('
'); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(s.find(".tp-half-two"), { width: F, height: I, overflow: "hidden", zIndex: 15, position: "absolute", top: I / 2, left: "0px", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center bottom" }), 0); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(s.find(".tp-half-one"), { width: F, height: I / 2, overflow: "visible", zIndex: 10, position: "absolute", top: "0px", left: "0px", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center top" }), 0); var Z = s.find(".defaultimg"); var tt = Math.round(Math.random() * 20 - 10), nt = Math.round(Math.random() * 20 - 10), rt = Math.round(Math.random() * 20 - 10), it = Math.random() * 0.4 - 0.2, st = Math.random() * 0.4 - 0.2, ot = Math.random() * 1 + 1, ut = Math.random() * 1 + 1, at = Math.random() * 0.3 + 0.3; k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(s.find(".tp-half-one"), { overflow: "hidden" }), 0); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( s.find(".tp-half-one"), C / 800, { width: F, height: I / 2, position: "absolute", top: "0px", left: "0px", force3D: "auto", transformOrigin: "center top" }, { scale: ot, rotation: tt, y: 0 - I - I / 4, autoAlpha: 0, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut } ), 0 ); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( s.find(".tp-half-two"), C / 800, { width: F, height: I, overflow: "hidden", position: "absolute", top: I / 2, left: "0px", force3D: "auto", transformOrigin: "center bottom" }, { scale: ut, rotation: nt, y: I + I / 4, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut, autoAlpha: 0, onComplete: function () { punchgs.TweenLite.set(s, { position: "absolute", "z-index": 15 }); punchgs.TweenLite.set(i, { position: "absolute", "z-index": 20 }); if (s.find(".tp-half-one").length > 0) { s.find(".tp-half-one .defaultimg").unwrap(); s.find(".tp-half-one .slotholder").unwrap(); } s.find(".tp-half-two").remove(); }, } ), 0 ); D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(a.find(".defaultimg"), { autoAlpha: 1 }), 0); if (s.html() != null) k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( i, (C - 200) / 1e3, { scale: at, x: (r.width / 4) * it, y: (I / 4) * st, rotation: rt, force3D: "auto", transformOrigin: "center center", ease: punchgs.Power2.easeOut }, { autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, x: 0, y: 0, rotation: 0 } ), 0 ); k.add(D, 0); } if (f == 17) { a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 800, { opacity: 0, rotationY: 0, scale: 0.9, rotationX: -110, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center center" }, { opacity: 1, top: 0, left: 0, scale: 1, rotation: 0, rotationX: 0, force3D: "auto", rotationY: 0, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, delay: t * 0.06 } ), 0 ); }); } if (f == 18) { a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 500, { autoAlpha: 0, rotationY: 310, scale: 0.9, rotationX: 10, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center center" }, { autoAlpha: 1, top: 0, left: 0, scale: 1, rotation: 0, rotationX: 0, force3D: "auto", rotationY: 0, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, delay: t * 0.06 } ), 0 ); }); } if (f == 19 || f == 22) { var D = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(s, { zIndex: 20 }), 0); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.set(i, { zIndex: 20 }), 0); setTimeout(function () { u.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); }, 100); var ft = i.css("z-index"), lt = s.css("z-index"), ct = 90, z = 1; if (N == 1) ct = -90; if (f == 19) { var ht = "center center -" + r.height / 2; z = 0; } else { var ht = "center center " + r.height / 2; } punchgs.TweenLite.set(n, { transformStyle: "flat", backfaceVisibility: "hidden", transformPerspective: 600 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); D.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { transformStyle: "flat", backfaceVisibility: "hidden", left: 0, rotationY: r.rotate, z: 10, top: 0, scale: 1, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ht, rotationX: ct }, { left: 0, rotationY: 0, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, force3D: "auto", rotationX: 0, delay: (t * 50) / 1e3, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut } ), 0 ); D.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, 0.1, { autoAlpha: 1, delay: (t * 50) / 1e3 }), 0); k.add(D); }); u.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); var i = -90; if (N == 1) i = 90; D.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { transformStyle: "flat", backfaceVisibility: "hidden", autoAlpha: 1, rotationY: 0, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ht, rotationX: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1, rotationY: r.rotate, top: 0, z: 10, scale: 1, rotationX: i, delay: (t * 50) / 1e3, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut } ), 0 ); k.add(D); }); } if (f == 20) { setTimeout(function () { u.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); }, 100); var ft = i.css("z-index"); var lt = s.css("z-index"); if (N == 1) { var pt = -r.width; var ct = 70; var ht = "left center -" + r.height / 2; } else { var pt = r.width; var ct = -70; var ht = "right center -" + r.height / 2; } a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1500, { left: pt, rotationX: 40, z: -600, opacity: z, top: 0, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ht, rotationY: ct }, { left: 0, delay: (t * 50) / 1e3, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut } ), 0 ); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { rotationX: 40, z: -600, opacity: z, top: 0, scale: 1, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ht, rotationY: ct }, { rotationX: 0, opacity: 1, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, rotationY: 0, delay: (t * 50) / 1e3, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut } ), 0 ); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, 0.1, { opacity: 1, force3D: "auto", delay: (t * 50) / 1e3 + C / 2e3 }), 0); }); u.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); if (N != 1) { var i = -r.width; var s = 70; var o = "left center -" + r.height / 2; } else { var i = r.width; var s = -70; var o = "right center -" + r.height / 2; } k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { opacity: 1, rotationX: 0, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, left: 0, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: o, rotationY: 0 }, { opacity: 1, rotationX: 40, top: 0, z: -600, left: i, force3D: "auto", scale: 0.8, rotationY: s, delay: (t * 50) / 1e3, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut } ), 0 ); k.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, 0.1, { force3D: "auto", opacity: 0, delay: (t * 50) / 1e3 + (C / 1e3 - C / 1e4) }), 0); }); } if (f == 21 || f == 25) { setTimeout(function () { u.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); }, 100); var ft = i.css("z-index"); var lt = s.css("z-index"); if (N == 1) { var pt = -r.width; var ct = 90; if (f == 25) { var ht = "center top 0"; rot2 = -ct; ct = r.rotate; } else { var ht = "left center 0"; rot2 = r.rotate; } } else { var pt = r.width; var ct = -90; if (f == 25) { var ht = "center bottom 0"; rot2 = -ct; ct = r.rotate; } else { var ht = "right center 0"; rot2 = r.rotate; } } a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { left: 0, transformStyle: "flat", rotationX: rot2, z: 0, autoAlpha: 0, top: 0, scale: 1, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ht, rotationY: ct }, { left: 0, rotationX: 0, top: 0, z: 0, autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, rotationY: 0, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Power3.easeInOut } ), 0 ); }); if (N != 1) { var pt = -r.width; var ct = 90; if (f == 25) { var ht = "center top 0"; rot2 = -ct; ct = r.rotate; } else { var ht = "left center 0"; rot2 = r.rotate; } } else { var pt = r.width; var ct = -90; if (f == 25) { var ht = "center bottom 0"; rot2 = -ct; ct = r.rotate; } else { var ht = "right center 0"; rot2 = r.rotate; } } u.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { left: 0, transformStyle: "flat", rotationX: 0, z: 0, autoAlpha: 1, top: 0, scale: 1, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ht, rotationY: 0 }, { left: 0, rotationX: rot2, top: 0, z: 0, autoAlpha: 1, force3D: "auto", scale: 1, rotationY: ct, ease: punchgs.Power1.easeInOut } ), 0 ); }); } if (f == 23 || f == 24) { setTimeout(function () { u.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); }, 100); var ft = i.css("z-index"); var lt = s.css("z-index"); var ct = -90; if (N == 1) ct = 90; var z = 1; if (f == 23) { var ht = "center center -" + r.width / 2; z = 0; } else { var ht = "center center " + r.width / 2; } var dt = 0; punchgs.TweenLite.set(n, { transformStyle: "preserve-3d", backfaceVisibility: "hidden", perspective: 2500 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { left: dt, rotationX: r.rotate, force3D: "auto", opacity: z, top: 0, scale: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ht, rotationY: ct }, { left: 0, rotationX: 0, autoAlpha: 1, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, rotationY: 0, delay: (t * 50) / 500, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut } ), 0 ); }); ct = 90; if (N == 1) ct = -90; u.find(".slotslide").each(function (t) { var n = e(this); k.add( punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, C / 1e3, { left: 0, autoAlpha: 1, rotationX: 0, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, force3D: "auto", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ht, rotationY: 0 }, { left: dt, autoAlpha: 1, rotationX: r.rotate, top: 0, scale: 1, rotationY: ct, delay: (t * 50) / 500, ease: punchgs.Power2.easeInOut } ), 0 ); }); } k.pause(); B(i, r, null, k); punchgs.TweenLite.to(i, 0.001, { autoAlpha: 1 }); var vt = {}; vt.slideIndex = r.next + 1; vt.slide = i; n.trigger("revolution.slide.onchange", vt); setTimeout(function () { n.trigger("revolution.slide.onafterswap"); }, C); n.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop"); }; var L = function (e, t, n, r, i, s, o) { punchgs.TweenLite.to(n.find(".defaultimg"), 0.001, { autoAlpha: 1, onComplete: function () { w(e, t, i); }, }); if (i.index() != s.index()) { punchgs.TweenLite.to(s, 0.2, { autoAlpha: 0, onComplete: function () { w(e, t, s); }, }); } t.act = t.next; if (t.navigationType == "thumb") nt(e); if (n.data("kenburns") == "on") { K(e, t); } e.find(".current-sr-slide-visible").removeClass("current-sr-slide-visible"); i.addClass("current-sr-slide-visible"); if (t.parallax == "scroll" || t.parallax == "scroll+mouse" || t.parallax == "mouse+scroll") { et(e, t); } o.clear(); }; var A = function (t) { var n = t.target.getVideoEmbedCode(); var r = e("#" + n.split('id="')[1].split('"')[0]); var i = r.closest(".tp-simpleresponsive"); var s = r.parent().data("player"); if (t.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { var o = i.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var u = o.data("opt"); if (r.closest(".tp-caption").data("volume") == "mute") s.mute(); u.videoplaying = true; i.trigger("stoptimer"); i.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideoplay"); } else { var o = i.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var u = o.data("opt"); if (t.data != -1) { u.videoplaying = false; i.trigger("playtimer"); i.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop"); } } if (t.data == 0 && u.nextslideatend == true) u.container.revnext(); }; var O = function (e, t, n) { if (e.addEventListener) e.addEventListener(t, n, false); else e.attachEvent(t, n, false); }; var M = function (t, n) { var r = $f(t); var i = e("#" + t); var s = i.closest(".tp-simpleresponsive"); r.addEvent("ready", function (e) { if (n) r.api("play"); r.addEvent("play", function (e) { var t = s.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var n = t.data("opt"); n.videoplaying = true; s.trigger("stoptimer"); if (i.closest(".tp-caption").data("volume") == "mute") r.api("setVolume", "0"); }); r.addEvent("finish", function (e) { var t = s.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var n = t.data("opt"); n.videoplaying = false; s.trigger("playtimer"); s.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideoplay"); if (n.nextslideatend == true) n.container.revnext(); }); r.addEvent("pause", function (e) { var t = s.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var n = t.data("opt"); n.videoplaying = false; s.trigger("playtimer"); s.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop"); }); }); }; var _ = function (e, n) { var r = n.width(); var i = n.height(); var s = e.data("mediaAspect"); if (s == t) s = 1; var o = r / i; e.css({ position: "absolute" }); var u = e.find("video"); if (o < s) { e.width(i * s).height(i); punchgs.TweenLite.to(e, 0.01, { force3D: "auto", top: 0, left: 0 - (i * s - r) / 2, height: i }); } else { e.width(r).height(r / s); punchgs.TweenLite.to(e, 0.01, { force3D: "auto", top: 0 - (r / s - i) / 2, left: 0, height: r / s }); } }; var D = function () { var e = new Object(); e.x = 0; e.y = 0; e.rotationX = 0; e.rotationY = 0; e.rotationZ = 0; e.scale = 1; e.scaleX = 1; e.scaleY = 1; e.skewX = 0; e.skewY = 0; e.opacity = 0; e.transformOrigin = "center, center"; e.transformPerspective = 400; e.rotation = 0; return e; }; var P = function (t, n) { var r = n.split(";"); e.each(r, function (e, n) { n = n.split(":"); var r = n[0], i = n[1]; if (r == "rotationX") t.rotationX = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "rotationY") t.rotationY = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "rotationZ") t.rotationZ = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "rotationZ") t.rotation = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "scaleX") t.scaleX = parseFloat(i); if (r == "scaleY") t.scaleY = parseFloat(i); if (r == "opacity") t.opacity = parseFloat(i); if (r == "skewX") t.skewX = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "skewY") t.skewY = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "x") t.x = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "y") t.y = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "z") t.z = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "transformOrigin") t.transformOrigin = i.toString(); if (r == "transformPerspective") t.transformPerspective = parseInt(i, 0); }); return t; }; var H = function (t) { var n = t.split("animation:"); var r = new Object(); r.animation = P(D(), n[1]); var i = n[0].split(";"); e.each(i, function (e, t) { t = t.split(":"); var n = t[0], i = t[1]; if (n == "typ") r.typ = i; if (n == "speed") r.speed = parseInt(i, 0) / 1e3; if (n == "start") r.start = parseInt(i, 0) / 1e3; if (n == "elementdelay") r.elementdelay = parseFloat(i); if (n == "ease") r.ease = i; }); return r; }; var B = function (n, r, i, s) { if (n.data("ctl") == t) { n.data("ctl", new punchgs.TimelineLite()); } var o = n.data("ctl"), u = 0, a = 0, f = n.find(".tp-caption"), l = r.container.find(".tp-static-layers").find(".tp-caption"); o.pause(); e.each(l, function (e, t) { f.push(t); }); f.each(function (n) { var s = i, o = -1, f = e(this); if (f.hasClass("tp-static-layer")) { if (f.data("startslide") == -1 || f.data("startslide") == "-1") f.data("startslide", 0); if (f.data("endslide") == -1 || f.data("endslide") == "-1") f.data("endslide", r.slideamount); if (!f.hasClass("tp-is-shown")) { if ((f.data("startslide") <= r.next && f.data("endslide") >= r.next) || f.data("startslide") == r.next || f.data("endslide") == r.next) { f.addClass("tp-is-shown"); o = 1; } else { o = 0; } } else { if (f.data("endslide") == r.next || f.data("startslide") > r.next || f.data("endslide") < r.next) { o = 2; } else { o = 0; } } } u = r.width / 2 - (r.startwidth * r.bw) / 2; var l = r.bw; var c = r.bh; if (r.fullScreen == "on") a = r.height / 2 - (r.startheight * r.bh) / 2; if (r.autoHeight == "on") a = r.container.height() / 2 - (r.startheight * r.bh) / 2; if (a < 0) a = 0; var h = 0; if (r.width < r.hideCaptionAtLimit && f.data("captionhidden") == "on") { f.addClass("tp-hidden-caption"); h = 1; } else { if (r.width < r.hideAllCaptionAtLimit || r.width < r.hideAllCaptionAtLilmit) { f.addClass("tp-hidden-caption"); h = 1; } else { f.removeClass("tp-hidden-caption"); } } if (h == 0) { if (f.data("linktoslide") != t && !f.hasClass("hasclicklistener")) { f.addClass("hasclicklistener"); f.css({ cursor: "pointer" }); if (f.data("linktoslide") != "no") { f.click(function () { var t = e(this); var n = t.data("linktoslide"); if (n != "next" && n != "prev") { r.container.data("showus", n); r.container.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").click(); } else if (n == "next") r.container.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").click(); else if (n == "prev") r.container.parent().find(".tp-leftarrow").click(); }); } } if (u < 0) u = 0; var p = "iframe" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e3 + 1); if (f.find("iframe").length > 0 || f.find("video").length > 0) { var d = false; if (f.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == true || f.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == "true" || f.data("autoplay") == true) { f.data("autoplay", true); d = true; } f.find("iframe").each(function () { var n = e(this); if ($()) { var i = n.attr("src"); n.attr("src", ""); n.attr("src", i); } r.nextslideatend = f.data("nextslideatend"); if (f.data("thumbimage") != t && f.data("thumbimage").length > 2 && f.data("autoplay") != true && !s) { f.find(".tp-thumb-image").remove(); f.append('
'); } if (n.attr("src") !== undefined && n.baseURI.toLowerCase().indexOf("youtube") >= 0) { if (!n.hasClass("HasListener")) { try { n.attr("id", p); var o; var u = setInterval(function () { if (YT != t) if (typeof YT.Player != t && typeof YT.Player != "undefined") { if (f.data("autoplay") == true || d) { o = new YT.Player(p, { events: { onStateChange: A, onReady: function (e) { e.target.playVideo(); }, }, }); } else o = new YT.Player(p, { events: { onStateChange: A } }); n.addClass("HasListener"); f.data("player", o); clearInterval(u); } }, 100); } catch (a) {} } else { if (f.data("autoplay") == true || d) { var o = f.data("player"); f.data( "timerplay", setTimeout(function () { if (f.data("forcerewind") == "on") o.seekTo(0); o.playVideo(); }, f.data("start")) ); } } f.find(".tp-thumb-image").click(function () { punchgs.TweenLite.to(e(this), 0.3, { opacity: 0, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Power3.easeInOut, onComplete: function () { f.find(".tp-thumb-image").remove(); }, }); if (!$()) { var t = f.data("player"); t.playVideo(); } }); } else { if (n.attr("src") !== undefined && n.attr("src").toLowerCase().indexOf("vimeo") >= 0) { if (!n.hasClass("HasListener")) { n.addClass("HasListener"); n.attr("id", p); var l = n.attr("src"); var c = {}, h = l, v = /([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/g, m; while ((m = v.exec(h))) { c[decodeURIComponent(m[1])] = decodeURIComponent(m[2]); } if (c["player_id"] != t) l = l.replace(c["player_id"], p); else l = l + "&player_id=" + p; try { l = l.replace("api=0", "api=1"); } catch (a) {} l = l + "&api=1"; n.attr("src", l); var o = f.find("iframe")[0]; var g = setInterval(function () { if ($f != t) if (typeof $f(p).api != t && typeof $f(p).api != "undefined") { $f(o).addEvent("ready", function () { M(p, d); }); clearInterval(g); } }, 100); } else { if (f.data("autoplay") == true) { var n = f.find("iframe"); var y = n.attr("id"); var g = setInterval(function () { if ($f != t) if (typeof $f(y).api != t && typeof $f(y).api != "undefined") { var e = $f(y); f.data( "timerplay", setTimeout(function () { if (f.data("forcerewind") == "on") e.api("seekTo", 0); e.api("play"); }, f.data("start")) ); clearInterval(g); } }, 100); } } f.find(".tp-thumb-image").click(function () { punchgs.TweenLite.to(e(this), 0.3, { opacity: 0, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Power3.easeInOut, onComplete: function () { f.find(".tp-thumb-image").remove(); }, }); var n = f.find("iframe"); var r = n.attr("id"); var i = setInterval(function () { if ($f != t) if (typeof $f(r).api != t && typeof $f(r).api != "undefined") { var e = $f(r); e.api("play"); clearInterval(i); } }, 100); }); } } }); if (f.find("video").length > 0) { f.find("video").each(function (n) { var i = e(this); var s = this; if (!i.parent().hasClass("html5vid")) { i.wrap('
'); } var o = e(this).parent(); if (s.addEventListener) s.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function () { o.data("metaloaded", 1); }); else s.attachEvent("loadedmetadata", function () { o.data("metaloaded", 1); }); if (!i.hasClass("HasListener")) { i.addClass("HasListener"); s.addEventListener("play", function () { o.addClass("videoisplaying"); o.find(".tp-poster").remove(); if (f.data("volume") == "mute") s.muted = true; r.container.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideoplay"); r.videoplaying = true; r.container.trigger("stoptimer"); }); s.addEventListener("pause", function () { o.removeClass("videoisplaying"); r.videoplaying = false; r.container.trigger("playtimer"); r.container.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop"); }); s.addEventListener("ended", function () { o.removeClass("videoisplaying"); r.videoplaying = false; r.container.trigger("playtimer"); r.container.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop"); if (r.nextslideatend == true) r.container.revnext(); }); } if (i.attr("poster") != t && o.find(".tp-poster").length == 0) o.append( '
' ); if (i.attr("control") == t && o.find(".tp-video-play-button").length == 0) { o.append('
'); o.find(".tp-video-play-button").click(function () { if (o.hasClass("videoisplaying")) s.pause(); else s.play(); }); } if (i.attr("control") == t) { o.find("video, .tp-poster").click(function () { if (o.hasClass("videoisplaying")) s.pause(); else s.play(); }); } if (f.data("forcecover") == 1) { _(o, r.container); o.addClass("fullcoveredvideo"); f.addClass("fullcoveredvideo"); } if (f.data("forcecover") == 1 || f.hasClass("fullscreenvideo")) { o.css({ width: "100%", height: "100%" }); } var u = false; if (f.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == true || f.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == "true") { u = true; } clearInterval(o.data("interval")); o.data( "interval", setInterval(function () { if (o.data("metaloaded") == 1 || s.duration != NaN) { clearInterval(o.data("interval")); if (f.data("dottedoverlay") != "none" && f.data("dottedoverlay") != t) if (f.find(".tp-dottedoverlay").length != 1) o.append('
'); var n = 16 / 9; if (f.data("aspectratio") == "4:3") n = 4 / 3; o.data("mediaAspect", n); if (o.closest(".tp-caption").data("forcecover") == 1) { _(o, r.container); o.addClass("fullcoveredvideo"); } i.css({ display: "block" }); r.nextslideatend = f.data("nextslideatend"); if (f.data("autoplay") == true || u == true) { var a = e("body") .find("#" + r.container.attr("id")) .find(".tp-bannertimer"); setTimeout(function () { r.videoplaying = true; r.container.trigger("stoptimer"); }, 200); if (f.data("forcerewind") == "on" && !o.hasClass("videoisplaying")) if (s.currentTime > 0) s.currentTime = 0; if (f.data("volume") == "mute") s.muted = true; o.data( "timerplay", setTimeout(function () { if (f.data("forcerewind") == "on" && !o.hasClass("videoisplaying")) if (s.currentTime > 0) s.currentTime = 0; if (f.data("volume") == "mute") s.muted = true; setTimeout(function () { s.play(); }, 500); }, 10 + f.data("start")) ); } if (o.data("ww") == t) o.data("ww", i.attr("width")); if (o.data("hh") == t) o.data("hh", i.attr("height")); if (!f.hasClass("fullscreenvideo") && f.data("forcecover") == 1) { try { o.width(o.data("ww") * r.bw); o.height(o.data("hh") * r.bh); } catch (l) {} } clearInterval(o.data("interval")); } }), 100 ); }); } if (f.data("autoplay") == true) { var v = e("body") .find("#" + r.container.attr("id")) .find(".tp-bannertimer"); setTimeout(function () { r.videoplaying = true; r.container.trigger("stoptimer"); }, 200); r.videoplaying = true; r.container.trigger("stoptimer"); if (f.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == true || f.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == "true") { f.data("autoplay", false); f.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime", false); } } } var m = 0; var g = 0; if (f.find("img").length > 0) { var y = f.find("img"); if (y.width() == 0) y.css({ width: "auto" }); if (y.height() == 0) y.css({ height: "auto" }); if (y.data("ww") == t && y.width() > 0) y.data("ww", y.width()); if (y.data("hh") == t && y.height() > 0) y.data("hh", y.height()); var b = y.data("ww"); var w = y.data("hh"); if (b == t) b = 0; if (w == t) w = 0; y.width(b * r.bw); y.height(w * r.bh); m = y.width(); g = y.height(); } else { if (f.find("iframe").length > 0 || f.find("video").length > 0) { var E = false; var y = f.find("iframe"); if (y.length == 0) { y = f.find("video"); E = true; } y.css({ display: "block" }); if (f.data("ww") == t) f.data("ww", y.width()); if (f.data("hh") == t) f.data("hh", y.height()); var b = f.data("ww"); var w = f.data("hh"); var S = f; if (S.data("fsize") == t) S.data("fsize", parseInt(S.css("font-size"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("pt") == t) S.data("pt", parseInt(S.css("paddingTop"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("pb") == t) S.data("pb", parseInt(S.css("paddingBottom"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("pl") == t) S.data("pl", parseInt(S.css("paddingLeft"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("pr") == t) S.data("pr", parseInt(S.css("paddingRight"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("mt") == t) S.data("mt", parseInt(S.css("marginTop"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("mb") == t) S.data("mb", parseInt(S.css("marginBottom"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("ml") == t) S.data("ml", parseInt(S.css("marginLeft"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("mr") == t) S.data("mr", parseInt(S.css("marginRight"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("bt") == t) S.data("bt", parseInt(S.css("borderTop"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("bb") == t) S.data("bb", parseInt(S.css("borderBottom"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("bl") == t) S.data("bl", parseInt(S.css("borderLeft"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("br") == t) S.data("br", parseInt(S.css("borderRight"), 0) || 0); if (S.data("lh") == t) S.data("lh", parseInt(S.css("lineHeight"), 0) || 0); var x = r.width; var T = r.height; if (x > r.startwidth) x = r.startwidth; if (T > r.startheight) T = r.startheight; if (!f.hasClass("fullscreenvideo")) f.css({ "font-size": S.data("fsize") * r.bw + "px", "padding-top": S.data("pt") * r.bh + "px", "padding-bottom": S.data("pb") * r.bh + "px", "padding-left": S.data("pl") * r.bw + "px", "padding-right": S.data("pr") * r.bw + "px", "margin-top": S.data("mt") * r.bh + "px", "margin-bottom": S.data("mb") * r.bh + "px", "margin-left": S.data("ml") * r.bw + "px", "margin-right": S.data("mr") * r.bw + "px", "border-top": S.data("bt") * r.bh + "px", "border-bottom": S.data("bb") * r.bh + "px", "border-left": S.data("bl") * r.bw + "px", "border-right": S.data("br") * r.bw + "px", "line-height": S.data("lh") * r.bh + "px", height: w * r.bh + "px", }); else { u = 0; a = 0; f.data("x", 0); f.data("y", 0); var N = r.height; if (r.autoHeight == "on") N = r.container.height(); f.css({ width: r.width, height: N }); } if (E == false) { y.width(b * r.bw); y.height(w * r.bh); } else if (f.data("forcecover") != 1 && !f.hasClass("fullscreenvideo")) { y.width(b * r.bw); y.height(w * r.bh); } m = y.width(); g = y.height(); } else { f.find(".tp-resizeme, .tp-resizeme *").each(function () { I(e(this), r); }); if (f.hasClass("tp-resizeme")) { f.find("*").each(function () { I(e(this), r); }); } I(f, r); g = f.outerHeight(true); m = f.outerWidth(true); var C = f.outerHeight(); var k = f.css("backgroundColor"); f.find(".frontcorner").css({ borderWidth: C + "px", left: 0 - C + "px", borderRight: "0px solid transparent", borderTopColor: k }); f.find(".frontcornertop").css({ borderWidth: C + "px", left: 0 - C + "px", borderRight: "0px solid transparent", borderBottomColor: k }); f.find(".backcorner").css({ borderWidth: C + "px", right: 0 - C + "px", borderLeft: "0px solid transparent", borderBottomColor: k }); f.find(".backcornertop").css({ borderWidth: C + "px", right: 0 - C + "px", borderLeft: "0px solid transparent", borderTopColor: k }); } } if (r.fullScreenAlignForce == "on") { u = 0; a = 0; } if (f.data("voffset") == t) f.data("voffset", 0); if (f.data("hoffset") == t) f.data("hoffset", 0); var L = f.data("voffset") * l; var O = f.data("hoffset") * l; var B = r.startwidth * l; var F = r.startheight * l; if (r.fullScreenAlignForce == "on") { B = r.container.width(); F = r.container.height(); } if (f.data("x") == "center" || f.data("xcenter") == "center") { f.data("xcenter", "center"); f.data("x", B / 2 - f.outerWidth(true) / 2 + O); } if (f.data("x") == "left" || f.data("xleft") == "left") { f.data("xleft", "left"); f.data("x", 0 / l + O); } if (f.data("x") == "right" || f.data("xright") == "right") { f.data("xright", "right"); f.data("x", (B - f.outerWidth(true) + O) / l); } if (f.data("y") == "center" || f.data("ycenter") == "center") { f.data("ycenter", "center"); f.data("y", F / 2 - f.outerHeight(true) / 2 + L); } if (f.data("y") == "top" || f.data("ytop") == "top") { f.data("ytop", "top"); f.data("y", 0 / r.bh + L); } if (f.data("y") == "bottom" || f.data("ybottom") == "bottom") { f.data("ybottom", "bottom"); f.data("y", (F - f.outerHeight(true) + L) / l); } if (f.data("start") == t) f.data("start", 1e3); var U = f.data("easing"); if (U == t) U = "punchgs.Power1.easeOut"; var X = f.data("start") / 1e3; var V = f.data("speed") / 1e3; if (f.data("x") == "center" || f.data("xcenter") == "center") var J = f.data("x") + u; else { var J = l * f.data("x") + u; } if (f.data("y") == "center" || f.data("ycenter") == "center") var K = f.data("y") + a; else { var K = r.bh * f.data("y") + a; } punchgs.TweenLite.set(f, { top: K, left: J, overwrite: "auto" }); if (o == 0) s = true; if (f.data("timeline") != t && !s) { f.data("timeline").gotoAndPlay(0); s = true; } if (!s) { if (f.data("timeline") != t) { } function Q() {} function G() {} var Y = new punchgs.TimelineLite({ smoothChildTiming: true, onStart: G }); Y.pause(); if (r.fullScreenAlignForce == "on") { } var Z = f; if (f.data("mySplitText") != t) f.data("mySplitText").revert(); if (f.data("splitin") == "chars" || f.data("splitin") == "words" || f.data("splitin") == "lines" || f.data("splitout") == "chars" || f.data("splitout") == "words" || f.data("splitout") == "lines") { if (f.find("a").length > 0) f.data("mySplitText", new punchgs.SplitText(f.find("a"), { type: "lines,words,chars", charsClass: "tp-splitted", wordsClass: "tp-splitted", linesClass: "tp-splitted" })); else if (f.find(".tp-layer-inner-rotation").length > 0) f.data("mySplitText", new punchgs.SplitText(f.find(".tp-layer-inner-rotation"), { type: "lines,words,chars", charsClass: "tp-splitted", wordsClass: "tp-splitted", linesClass: "tp-splitted" })); else f.data("mySplitText", new punchgs.SplitText(f, { type: "lines,words,chars", charsClass: "tp-splitted", wordsClass: "tp-splitted", linesClass: "tp-splitted" })); f.addClass("splitted"); } if (f.data("splitin") == "chars") Z = f.data("mySplitText").chars; if (f.data("splitin") == "words") Z = f.data("mySplitText").words; if (f.data("splitin") == "lines") Z = f.data("mySplitText").lines; var et = D(); var tt = D(); if (f.data("repeat") != t) repeatV = f.data("repeat"); if (f.data("yoyo") != t) yoyoV = f.data("yoyo"); if (f.data("repeatdelay") != t) repeatdelayV = f.data("repeatdelay"); if (f.hasClass("customin")) et = P(et, f.data("customin")); else if (f.hasClass("randomrotate")) { et.scale = Math.random() * 3 + 1; et.rotation = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); et.x = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); et.y = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); } else if (f.hasClass("lfr") || f.hasClass("skewfromright")) et.x = 15 + r.width; else if (f.hasClass("lfl") || f.hasClass("skewfromleft")) et.x = -15 - m; else if (f.hasClass("sfl") || f.hasClass("skewfromleftshort")) et.x = -50; else if (f.hasClass("sfr") || f.hasClass("skewfromrightshort")) et.x = 50; else if (f.hasClass("lft")) et.y = -25 - g; else if (f.hasClass("lfb")) et.y = 25 + r.height; else if (f.hasClass("sft")) et.y = -50; else if (f.hasClass("sfb")) et.y = 50; if (f.hasClass("skewfromright") || f.hasClass("skewfromrightshort")) et.skewX = -85; else if (f.hasClass("skewfromleft") || f.hasClass("skewfromleftshort")) et.skewX = 85; if (f.hasClass("fade") || f.hasClass("sft") || f.hasClass("sfl") || f.hasClass("sfb") || f.hasClass("skewfromleftshort") || f.hasClass("sfr") || f.hasClass("skewfromrightshort")) et.opacity = 0; if (j().toLowerCase() == "safari") { } var nt = f.data("elementdelay") == t ? 0 : f.data("elementdelay"); tt.ease = et.ease = f.data("easing") == t ? punchgs.Power1.easeInOut : f.data("easing"); et.data = new Object(); et.data.oldx = et.x; et.data.oldy = et.y; tt.data = new Object(); tt.data.oldx = tt.x; tt.data.oldy = tt.y; et.x = et.x * l; et.y = et.y * l; var rt = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); if (o != 2) { if (f.hasClass("customin")) { if (Z != f) Y.add( punchgs.TweenLite.set(f, { force3D: "auto", opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, y: 0, visibility: "visible", opacity: 1, delay: 0, overwrite: "all", }) ); et.visibility = "hidden"; tt.visibility = "visible"; tt.overwrite = "all"; tt.opacity = 1; tt.onComplete = Q(); tt.delay = X; tt.force3D = "auto"; Y.add(rt.staggerFromTo(Z, V, et, tt, nt), "frame0"); } else { et.visibility = "visible"; et.transformPerspective = 600; if (Z != f) Y.add( punchgs.TweenLite.set(f, { force3D: "auto", opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, y: 0, visibility: "visible", opacity: 1, delay: 0, overwrite: "all", }) ); tt.visibility = "visible"; tt.delay = X; tt.onComplete = Q(); tt.opacity = 1; tt.force3D = "auto"; if (f.hasClass("randomrotate") && Z != f) { for (var n = 0; n < Z.length; n++) { var it = new Object(); var st = new Object(); e.extend(it, et); e.extend(st, tt); et.scale = Math.random() * 3 + 1; et.rotation = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); et.x = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); et.y = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); if (n != 0) st.delay = X + n * nt; Y.append(punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(Z[n], V, it, st), "frame0"); } } else Y.add(rt.staggerFromTo(Z, V, et, tt, nt), "frame0"); } } f.data("timeline", Y); var ot = new Array(); if (f.data("frames") != t) { var ut = f.data("frames"); ut = ut.replace(/\s+/g, ""); ut = ut.replace("{", ""); var at = ut.split("}"); e.each(at, function (e, t) { if (t.length > 0) { var n = H(t); z(f, r, n, "frame" + (e + 10), l); } }); } Y = f.data("timeline"); if (f.data("end") != t && (o == -1 || o == 2)) { W(f, r, f.data("end") / 1e3, et, "frame99", l); } else { if (o == -1 || o == 2) W(f, r, 999999, et, "frame99", l); else W(f, r, 200, et, "frame99", l); } Y = f.data("timeline"); f.data("timeline", Y); q(f, l); Y.resume(); } } if (s) { R(f); q(f, l); if (f.data("timeline") != t) { var ft = f.data("timeline").getTweensOf(); e.each(ft, function (e, n) { if (n.vars.data != t) { var r = n.vars.data.oldx * l; var i = n.vars.data.oldy * l; if (n.progress() != 1 && n.progress() != 0) { try { n.vars.x = r; n.vary.y = i; } catch (s) {} } else { if (n.progress() == 1) { punchgs.TweenLite.set(n.target, { x: r, y: i }); } } } }); } } }); var c = e("body") .find("#" + r.container.attr("id")) .find(".tp-bannertimer"); c.data("opt", r); if (s != t) setTimeout(function () { s.resume(); }, 30); }; var j = function () { var e = navigator.appName, t = navigator.userAgent, n; var r = t.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); if (r && (n = t.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i)) != null) r[2] = n[1]; r = r ? [r[1], r[2]] : [e, navigator.appVersion, "-?"]; return r[0]; }; var F = function () { var e = navigator.appName, t = navigator.userAgent, n; var r = t.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); if (r && (n = t.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i)) != null) r[2] = n[1]; r = r ? [r[1], r[2]] : [e, navigator.appVersion, "-?"]; return r[1]; }; var I = function (e, n) { if (e.data("fsize") == t) e.data("fsize", parseInt(e.css("font-size"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("pt") == t) e.data("pt", parseInt(e.css("paddingTop"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("pb") == t) e.data("pb", parseInt(e.css("paddingBottom"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("pl") == t) e.data("pl", parseInt(e.css("paddingLeft"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("pr") == t) e.data("pr", parseInt(e.css("paddingRight"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("mt") == t) e.data("mt", parseInt(e.css("marginTop"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("mb") == t) e.data("mb", parseInt(e.css("marginBottom"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("ml") == t) e.data("ml", parseInt(e.css("marginLeft"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("mr") == t) e.data("mr", parseInt(e.css("marginRight"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("bt") == t) e.data("bt", parseInt(e.css("borderTopWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("bb") == t) e.data("bb", parseInt(e.css("borderBottomWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("bl") == t) e.data("bl", parseInt(e.css("borderLeftWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("br") == t) e.data("br", parseInt(e.css("borderRightWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("ls") == t) e.data("ls", parseInt(e.css("letterSpacing"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("lh") == t) e.data("lh", parseInt(e.css("lineHeight"), 0) || "auto"); if (e.data("minwidth") == t) e.data("minwidth", parseInt(e.css("minWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("minheight") == t) e.data("minheight", parseInt(e.css("minHeight"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("maxwidth") == t) e.data("maxwidth", parseInt(e.css("maxWidth"), 0) || "none"); if (e.data("maxheight") == t) e.data("maxheight", parseInt(e.css("maxHeight"), 0) || "none"); if (e.data("wii") == t) e.data("wii", parseInt(e.css("width"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("hii") == t) e.data("hii", parseInt(e.css("height"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("wan") == t) e.data("wan", e.css("-webkit-transition")); if (e.data("moan") == t) e.data("moan", e.css("-moz-animation-transition")); if (e.data("man") == t) e.data("man", e.css("-ms-animation-transition")); if (e.data("ani") == t) e.data("ani", e.css("transition")); if (!e.hasClass("tp-splitted")) { e.css("-webkit-transition", "none"); e.css("-moz-transition", "none"); e.css("-ms-transition", "none"); e.css("transition", "none"); punchgs.TweenLite.set(e, { fontSize: Math.round(e.data("fsize") * n.bw) + "px", letterSpacing: Math.floor(e.data("ls") * n.bw) + "px", paddingTop: Math.round(e.data("pt") * n.bh) + "px", paddingBottom: Math.round(e.data("pb") * n.bh) + "px", paddingLeft: Math.round(e.data("pl") * n.bw) + "px", paddingRight: Math.round(e.data("pr") * n.bw) + "px", marginTop: e.data("mt") * n.bh + "px", marginBottom: e.data("mb") * n.bh + "px", marginLeft: e.data("ml") * n.bw + "px", marginRight: e.data("mr") * n.bw + "px", borderTopWidth: Math.round(e.data("bt") * n.bh) + "px", borderBottomWidth: Math.round(e.data("bb") * n.bh) + "px", borderLeftWidth: Math.round(e.data("bl") * n.bw) + "px", borderRightWidth: Math.round(e.data("br") * n.bw) + "px", lineHeight: Math.round(e.data("lh") * n.bh) + "px", minWidth: e.data("minwidth") * n.bw + "px", minHeight: e.data("minheight") * n.bh + "px", overwrite: "auto", }); setTimeout(function () { e.css("-webkit-transition", e.data("wan")); e.css("-moz-transition", e.data("moan")); e.css("-ms-transition", e.data("man")); e.css("transition", e.data("ani")); }, 30); if (e.data("maxheight") != "none") e.css({ maxHeight: e.data("maxheight") * n.bh + "px" }); if (e.data("maxwidth") != "none") e.css({ maxWidth: e.data("maxwidth") * n.bw + "px" }); } }; var q = function (n, r) { n.find(".rs-pendulum").each(function () { var n = e(this); if (n.data("timeline") == t) { n.data("timeline", new punchgs.TimelineLite()); var i = n.data("startdeg") == t ? -20 : n.data("startdeg"), s = n.data("enddeg") == t ? 20 : n.data("enddeg"); (speed = n.data("speed") == t ? 2 : n.data("speed")), (origin = n.data("origin") == t ? "50% 50%" : n.data("origin")), (easing = n.data("ease") == t ? punchgs.Power2.easeInOut : n.data("ease")); i = i * r; s = s * r; n.data("timeline").append(new punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(n, speed, { force3D: "auto", rotation: i, transformOrigin: origin }, { rotation: s, ease: easing })); n.data("timeline").append( new punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, speed, { force3D: "auto", rotation: s, transformOrigin: origin }, { rotation: i, ease: easing, onComplete: function () { n.data("timeline").restart(); }, } ) ); } }); n.find(".rs-slideloop").each(function () { var n = e(this); if (n.data("timeline") == t) { n.data("timeline", new punchgs.TimelineLite()); var i = n.data("xs") == t ? 0 : n.data("xs"), s = n.data("ys") == t ? 0 : n.data("ys"); (xe = n.data("xe") == t ? 0 : n.data("xe")), (ye = n.data("ye") == t ? 0 : n.data("ye")), (speed = n.data("speed") == t ? 2 : n.data("speed")), (easing = n.data("ease") == t ? punchgs.Power2.easeInOut : n.data("ease")); i = i * r; s = s * r; xe = xe * r; ye = ye * r; n.data("timeline").append(new punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(n, speed, { force3D: "auto", x: i, y: s }, { x: xe, y: ye, ease: easing })); n.data("timeline").append( new punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, speed, { force3D: "auto", x: xe, y: ye }, { x: i, y: s, onComplete: function () { n.data("timeline").restart(); }, } ) ); } }); n.find(".rs-pulse").each(function () { var n = e(this); if (n.data("timeline") == t) { n.data("timeline", new punchgs.TimelineLite()); var r = n.data("zoomstart") == t ? 0 : n.data("zoomstart"), i = n.data("zoomend") == t ? 0 : n.data("zoomend"); (speed = n.data("speed") == t ? 2 : n.data("speed")), (easing = n.data("ease") == t ? punchgs.Power2.easeInOut : n.data("ease")); n.data("timeline").append(new punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(n, speed, { force3D: "auto", scale: r }, { scale: i, ease: easing })); n.data("timeline").append( new punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, speed, { force3D: "auto", scale: i }, { scale: r, onComplete: function () { n.data("timeline").restart(); }, } ) ); } }); n.find(".rs-wave").each(function () { var n = e(this); if (n.data("timeline") == t) { n.data("timeline", new punchgs.TimelineLite()); var i = n.data("angle") == t ? 10 : n.data("angle"), s = n.data("radius") == t ? 10 : n.data("radius"), o = n.data("speed") == t ? -20 : n.data("speed"), u = n.data("origin") == t ? -20 : n.data("origin"); i = i * r; s = s * r; var a = { a: 0, ang: i, element: n, unit: s }; n.data("timeline").append( new punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( a, o, { a: 360 }, { a: 0, force3D: "auto", ease: punchgs.Linear.easeNone, onUpdate: function () { var e = a.a * (Math.PI / 180); punchgs.TweenLite.to(a.element, 0.1, { force3D: "auto", x: Math.cos(e) * a.unit, y: a.unit * (1 - Math.sin(e)) }); }, onComplete: function () { n.data("timeline").restart(); }, } ) ); } }); }; var R = function (n) { n.find(".rs-pendulum, .rs-slideloop, .rs-pulse, .rs-wave").each(function () { var n = e(this); if (n.data("timeline") != t) { n.data("timeline").pause(); n.data("timeline", null); } }); }; var U = function (n, r) { var i = 0; var s = n.find(".tp-caption"), o = r.container.find(".tp-static-layers").find(".tp-caption"); e.each(o, function (e, t) { s.push(t); }); s.each(function (n) { var s = -1; var o = e(this); if (o.hasClass("tp-static-layer")) { if (o.data("startslide") == -1 || o.data("startslide") == "-1") o.data("startslide", 0); if (o.data("endslide") == -1 || o.data("endslide") == "-1") o.data("endslide", r.slideamount); if (o.hasClass("tp-is-shown")) { if (o.data("startslide") > r.next || o.data("endslide") < r.next) { s = 2; o.removeClass("tp-is-shown"); } else { s = 0; } } else { s = 2; } } if (s != 0) { R(o); if (o.find("iframe").length > 0) { try { var u = o.find("iframe"); var a = u.attr("id"); var f = $f(a); f.api("pause"); clearTimeout(o.data("timerplay")); } catch (l) {} try { var c = o.data("player"); c.stopVideo(); clearTimeout(o.data("timerplay")); } catch (l) {} } if (o.find("video").length > 0) { try { o.find("video").each(function (t) { var n = e(this).parent(); var r = n.attr("id"); clearTimeout(n.data("timerplay")); var i = this; i.pause(); }); } catch (l) {} } try { var h = o.data("timeline"); var p = h.getLabelTime("frame99"); var d = h.time(); if (p > d) { var v = h.getTweensOf(o); e.each(v, function (e, t) { if (e != 0) t.pause(); }); if (o.css("opacity") != 0) { var m = o.data("endspeed") == t ? o.data("speed") : o.data("endspeed"); if (m > i) i = m; h.play("frame99"); } else h.progress(1, false); } } catch (l) {} } }); return i; }; var z = function (e, n, r, i, s) { var o = e.data("timeline"); var u = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); var a = e; if (r.typ == "chars") a = e.data("mySplitText").chars; else if (r.typ == "words") a = e.data("mySplitText").words; else if (r.typ == "lines") a = e.data("mySplitText").lines; r.animation.ease = r.ease; if (r.animation.rotationZ != t) r.animation.rotation = r.animation.rotationZ; r.animation.data = new Object(); r.animation.data.oldx = r.animation.x; r.animation.data.oldy = r.animation.y; r.animation.x = r.animation.x * s; r.animation.y = r.animation.y * s; o.add(u.staggerTo(a, r.speed, r.animation, r.elementdelay), r.start); o.addLabel(i, r.start); e.data("timeline", o); }; var W = function (e, n, r, i, s, o) { var u = e.data("timeline"); var a = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); var f = D(); var l = e.data("endspeed") == t ? e.data("speed") : e.data("endspeed"); f.ease = e.data("endeasing") == t ? punchgs.Power1.easeInOut : e.data("endeasing"); l = l / 1e3; if ( e.hasClass("ltr") || e.hasClass("ltl") || e.hasClass("str") || e.hasClass("stl") || e.hasClass("ltt") || e.hasClass("ltb") || e.hasClass("stt") || e.hasClass("stb") || e.hasClass("skewtoright") || e.hasClass("skewtorightshort") || e.hasClass("skewtoleft") || e.hasClass("skewtoleftshort") || e.hasClass("fadeout") || e.hasClass("randomrotateout") ) { if (e.hasClass("skewtoright") || e.hasClass("skewtorightshort")) f.skewX = 35; else if (e.hasClass("skewtoleft") || e.hasClass("skewtoleftshort")) f.skewX = -35; if (e.hasClass("ltr") || e.hasClass("skewtoright")) f.x = n.width + 60; else if (e.hasClass("ltl") || e.hasClass("skewtoleft")) f.x = 0 - (n.width + 60); else if (e.hasClass("ltt")) f.y = 0 - (n.height + 60); else if (e.hasClass("ltb")) f.y = n.height + 60; else if (e.hasClass("str") || e.hasClass("skewtorightshort")) { f.x = 50; f.opacity = 0; } else if (e.hasClass("stl") || e.hasClass("skewtoleftshort")) { f.x = -50; f.opacity = 0; } else if (e.hasClass("stt")) { f.y = -50; f.opacity = 0; } else if (e.hasClass("stb")) { f.y = 50; f.opacity = 0; } else if (e.hasClass("randomrotateout")) { f.x = Math.random() * n.width; f.y = Math.random() * n.height; f.scale = Math.random() * 2 + 0.3; f.rotation = Math.random() * 360 - 180; f.opacity = 0; } else if (e.hasClass("fadeout")) { f.opacity = 0; } if (e.hasClass("skewtorightshort")) f.x = 270; else if (e.hasClass("skewtoleftshort")) f.x = -270; f.data = new Object(); f.data.oldx = f.x; f.data.oldy = f.y; f.x = f.x * o; f.y = f.y * o; f.overwrite = "auto"; var c = e; var c = e; if (e.data("splitout") == "chars") c = e.data("mySplitText").chars; else if (e.data("splitout") == "words") c = e.data("mySplitText").words; else if (e.data("splitout") == "lines") c = e.data("mySplitText").lines; var h = e.data("endelementdelay") == t ? 0 : e.data("endelementdelay"); u.add(a.staggerTo(c, l, f, h), r); } else if (e.hasClass("customout")) { f = P(f, e.data("customout")); var c = e; if (e.data("splitout") == "chars") c = e.data("mySplitText").chars; else if (e.data("splitout") == "words") c = e.data("mySplitText").words; else if (e.data("splitout") == "lines") c = e.data("mySplitText").lines; var h = e.data("endelementdelay") == t ? 0 : e.data("endelementdelay"); f.onStart = function () { punchgs.TweenLite.set(e, { transformPerspective: f.transformPerspective, transformOrigin: f.transformOrigin, overwrite: "auto" }); }; f.data = new Object(); f.data.oldx = f.x; f.data.oldy = f.y; f.x = f.x * o; f.y = f.y * o; u.add(a.staggerTo(c, l, f, h), r); } else { i.delay = 0; u.add(punchgs.TweenLite.to(e, l, i), r); } u.addLabel(s, r); e.data("timeline", u); }; var X = function (t, n) { t.children().each(function () { try { e(this).die("click"); } catch (t) {} try { e(this).die("mouseenter"); } catch (t) {} try { e(this).die("mouseleave"); } catch (t) {} try { e(this).unbind("hover"); } catch (t) {} }); try { t.die("click", "mouseenter", "mouseleave"); } catch (r) {} clearInterval(n.cdint); t = null; }; var V = function (n, r) { r.cd = 0; r.loop = 0; if (r.stopAfterLoops != t && r.stopAfterLoops > -1) r.looptogo = r.stopAfterLoops; else r.looptogo = 9999999; if (r.stopAtSlide != t && r.stopAtSlide > -1) r.lastslidetoshow = r.stopAtSlide; else r.lastslidetoshow = 999; r.stopLoop = "off"; if (r.looptogo == 0) r.stopLoop = "on"; if (r.slideamount > 1 && !(r.stopAfterLoops == 0 && r.stopAtSlide == 1)) { var i = n.find(".tp-bannertimer"); n.on("stoptimer", function () { i.data("tween").pause(); if (r.hideTimerBar == "on") i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); }); n.on("starttimer", function () { if (r.conthover != 1 && r.videoplaying != true && r.width > r.hideSliderAtLimit && r.bannertimeronpause != true && r.overnav != true) if (r.stopLoop == "on" && r.next == r.lastslidetoshow - 1) { } else { i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); i.data("tween").play(); } if (r.hideTimerBar == "on") i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); }); n.on("restarttimer", function () { if (r.stopLoop == "on" && r.next == r.lastslidetoshow - 1) { } else { i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); i.data("tween", punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(i, r.delay / 1e3, { width: "0%" }, { force3D: "auto", width: "100%", ease: punchgs.Linear.easeNone, onComplete: s, delay: 1 })); } if (r.hideTimerBar == "on") i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); }); n.on("nulltimer", function () { i.data("tween").pause(0); if (r.hideTimerBar == "on") i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); }); var s = function () { if (e("body").find(n).length == 0) { X(n, r); clearInterval(r.cdint); } if (n.data("conthover-changed") == 1) { r.conthover = n.data("conthover"); n.data("conthover-changed", 0); } r.act = r.next; r.next = r.next + 1; if (r.next > n.find(">ul >li").length - 1) { r.next = 0; r.looptogo = r.looptogo - 1; if (r.looptogo <= 0) { r.stopLoop = "on"; } } if (r.stopLoop == "on" && r.next == r.lastslidetoshow - 1) { n.find(".tp-bannertimer").css({ visibility: "hidden" }); n.trigger("revolution.slide.onstop"); } else { i.data("tween").restart(); } T(n, r); }; i.data("tween", punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(i, r.delay / 1e3, { width: "0%" }, { force3D: "auto", width: "100%", ease: punchgs.Linear.easeNone, onComplete: s, delay: 1 })); i.data("opt", r); n.hover( function () { if (r.onHoverStop == "on" && !$()) { n.trigger("stoptimer"); n.trigger("revolution.slide.onpause"); var i = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + r.next + ") .slotholder"); i.find(".defaultimg").each(function () { var n = e(this); if (n.data("kenburn") != t) { n.data("kenburn").pause(); } }); } }, function () { if (n.data("conthover") != 1) { n.trigger("revolution.slide.onresume"); n.trigger("starttimer"); var i = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + r.next + ") .slotholder"); i.find(".defaultimg").each(function () { var n = e(this); if (n.data("kenburn") != t) { n.data("kenburn").play(); } }); } } ); } }; var $ = function () { var e = ["android", "webos", "iphone", "ipad", "blackberry", "Android", "webos", , "iPod", "iPhone", "iPad", "Blackberry", "BlackBerry"]; var t = false; for (i in e) { if (navigator.userAgent.split(e[i]).length > 1) { t = true; } } return t; }; var J = function (e, t, n) { var r = t.data("owidth"); var i = t.data("oheight"); if (r / i > n.width / n.height) { var s = n.container.width() / r; var o = i * s; var u = (o / n.container.height()) * e; e = e * (100 / u); u = 100; e = e; return e + "% " + u + "%" + " 1"; } else { var s = n.container.width() / r; var o = i * s; var u = (o / n.container.height()) * e; return e + "% " + u + "%"; } }; var K = function (n, r, i, s) { try { var u = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.act + ")"); } catch (a) { var u = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)"); } r.lastslide = r.act; var f = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.next + ")"), l = f.find(".slotholder"), c = l.data("bgposition"), h = l.data("bgpositionend"), p = l.data("zoomstart") / 100, d = l.data("zoomend") / 100, v = l.data("rotationstart"), m = l.data("rotationend"), g = l.data("bgfit"), y = l.data("bgfitend"), b = l.data("easeme"), w = l.data("duration") / 1e3, E = 100; if (g == t) g = 100; if (y == t) y = 100; var S = g, x = y; g = J(g, l, r); y = J(y, l, r); E = J(100, l, r); if (p == t) p = 1; if (d == t) d = 1; if (v == t) v = 0; if (m == t) m = 0; if (p < 1) p = 1; if (d < 1) d = 1; var T = new Object(); (T.w = parseInt(E.split(" ")[0], 0)), (T.h = parseInt(E.split(" ")[1], 0)); var N = false; if (E.split(" ")[2] == "1") { N = true; } l.find(".defaultimg").each(function () { var t = e(this); if (l.find(".kenburnimg").length == 0) l.append( '
' ); else { l.find(".kenburnimg img").css({ width: T.w + "%", height: T.h + "%" }); } var n = l.find(".kenburnimg img"); var i = Q(r, c, g, n, N), u = Q(r, h, y, n, N); if (N) { i.w = S / 100; u.w = x / 100; } if (s) { punchgs.TweenLite.set(n, { autoAlpha: 0, transformPerspective: 1200, transformOrigin: "0% 0%", top: 0, left: 0, scale: i.w, x: i.x, y: i.y }); var a = i.w, f = a * n.width() - r.width, p = a * n.height() - r.height, d = Math.abs((i.x / f) * 100), v = Math.abs((i.y / p) * 100); if (p == 0) v = 0; if (f == 0) d = 0; t.data("bgposition", d + "% " + v + "%"); if (!o(8)) t.data("currotate", G(n)); if (!o(8)) t.data("curscale", T.w * a + "% " + (T.h * a + "%")); l.find(".kenburnimg").remove(); } else t.data( "kenburn", punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo( n, w, { autoAlpha: 1, force3D: punchgs.force3d, transformOrigin: "0% 0%", top: 0, left: 0, scale: i.w, x: i.x, y: i.y }, { autoAlpha: 1, rotationZ: m, ease: b, x: u.x, y: u.y, scale: u.w, onUpdate: function () { var e = n[0]._gsTransform.scaleX; var i = e * n.width() - r.width, s = e * n.height() - r.height, u = Math.abs((n[0]._gsTransform.x / i) * 100), a = Math.abs((n[0]._gsTransform.y / s) * 100); if (s == 0) a = 0; if (i == 0) u = 0; t.data("bgposition", u + "% " + a + "%"); if (!o(8)) t.data("currotate", G(n)); if (!o(8)) t.data("curscale", T.w * e + "% " + (T.h * e + "%")); }, } ) ); }); }; var Q = function (e, t, n, r, i) { var s = new Object(); if (!i) s.w = parseInt(n.split(" ")[0], 0) / 100; else s.w = parseInt(n.split(" ")[1], 0) / 100; switch (t) { case "left top": case "top left": s.x = 0; s.y = 0; break; case "center top": case "top center": s.x = ((0 - r.width()) * s.w + parseInt(e.width, 0)) / 2; s.y = 0; break; case "top right": case "right top": s.x = (0 - r.width()) * s.w + parseInt(e.width, 0); s.y = 0; break; case "center left": case "left center": s.x = 0; s.y = ((0 - r.height()) * s.w + parseInt(e.height, 0)) / 2; break; case "center center": s.x = ((0 - r.width()) * s.w + parseInt(e.width, 0)) / 2; s.y = ((0 - r.height()) * s.w + parseInt(e.height, 0)) / 2; break; case "center right": case "right center": s.x = (0 - r.width()) * s.w + parseInt(e.width, 0); s.y = ((0 - r.height()) * s.w + parseInt(e.height, 0)) / 2; break; case "bottom left": case "left bottom": s.x = 0; s.y = (0 - r.height()) * s.w + parseInt(e.height, 0); break; case "bottom center": case "center bottom": s.x = ((0 - r.width()) * s.w + parseInt(e.width, 0)) / 2; s.y = (0 - r.height()) * s.w + parseInt(e.height, 0); break; case "bottom right": case "right bottom": s.x = (0 - r.width()) * s.w + parseInt(e.width, 0); s.y = (0 - r.height()) * s.w + parseInt(e.height, 0); break; } return s; }; var G = function (e) { var t = e.css("-webkit-transform") || e.css("-moz-transform") || e.css("-ms-transform") || e.css("-o-transform") || e.css("transform"); if (t !== "none") { var n = t.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(","); var r = n[0]; var i = n[1]; var s = Math.round(Math.atan2(i, r) * (180 / Math.PI)); } else { var s = 0; } return s < 0 ? (s += 360) : s; }; var Y = function (n, r) { try { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.act + ")"); } catch (s) { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)"); } r.lastslide = r.act; var o = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.next + ")"); var u = i.find(".slotholder"); var a = o.find(".slotholder"); n.find(".defaultimg").each(function () { var n = e(this); punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(n, false); punchgs.TweenLite.set(n, { scale: 1, rotationZ: 0 }); punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(n.data("kenburn img"), false); if (n.data("kenburn") != t) { n.data("kenburn").pause(); } if (n.data("currotate") != t && n.data("bgposition") != t && n.data("curscale") != t) punchgs.TweenLite.set(n, { rotation: n.data("currotate"), backgroundPosition: n.data("bgposition"), backgroundSize: n.data("curscale") }); if (n != t && n.data("kenburn img") != t && n.data("kenburn img").length > 0) punchgs.TweenLite.set(n.data("kenburn img"), { autoAlpha: 0 }); }); }; var Z = function (t, n) { if ($() && n.parallaxDisableOnMobile == "on") return false; t.find(">ul:first-child >li").each(function () { var t = e(this); for (var r = 1; r <= 10; r++) t.find(".rs-parallaxlevel-" + r).each(function () { var t = e(this); t.wrap('
'); }); }); if (n.parallax == "mouse" || n.parallax == "scroll+mouse" || n.parallax == "mouse+scroll") { t.mouseenter(function (e) { var n = t.find(".current-sr-slide-visible"); var r = t.offset().top, i = t.offset().left, s = e.pageX - i, o = e.pageY - r; n.data("enterx", s); n.data("entery", o); }); t.on("mousemove.hoverdir, mouseleave.hoverdir", function (n) { var r = t.find(".current-sr-slide-visible"); switch (n.type) { case "mousemove": var i = t.offset().top, s = t.offset().left, o = r.data("enterx"), u = r.data("entery"), a = o - (n.pageX - s), f = u - (n.pageY - i); r.find(".tp-parallax-container").each(function () { var t = e(this), n = parseInt(t.data("parallaxlevel"), 0) / 100, r = a * n, i = f * n; punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, 0.4, { force3D: "auto", x: r, y: i, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut, overwrite: "all" }); }); break; case "mouseleave": r.find(".tp-parallax-container").each(function () { var t = e(this); punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, 1.5, { force3D: "auto", x: 0, y: 0, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut }); }); break; } }); if ($()) window.ondeviceorientation = function (n) { var r = Math.round(n.beta || 0), i = Math.round(n.gamma || 0); var s = t.find(".current-sr-slide-visible"); if (e(window).width() > e(window).height()) { var o = i; i = r; r = o; } var u = (360 / t.width()) * i, a = (180 / t.height()) * r; s.find(".tp-parallax-container").each(function () { var t = e(this), n = parseInt(t.data("parallaxlevel"), 0) / 100, r = u * n, i = a * n; punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, 0.2, { force3D: "auto", x: r, y: i, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut }); }); }; } if (n.parallax == "scroll" || n.parallax == "scroll+mouse" || n.parallax == "mouse+scroll") { e(window).on("scroll", function (e) { et(t, n); }); } }; var et = function (t, n) { if ($() && n.parallaxDisableOnMobile == "on") return false; var r = t.offset().top, i = e(window).scrollTop(), s = r + t.height() / 2, o = r + t.height() / 2 - i, u = e(window).height() / 2, a = u - o; if (s < u) a = a - (u - s); var f = t.find(".current-sr-slide-visible"); t.find(".tp-parallax-container").each(function (t) { var n = e(this), r = parseInt(n.data("parallaxlevel"), 0) / 100, i = a * r; n.data("parallaxoffset", i); punchgs.TweenLite.to(n, 0.2, { force3D: "auto", y: i, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut }); }); if (n.parallaxBgFreeze != "on") { var l = n.parallaxLevels[0] / 100, c = a * l; punchgs.TweenLite.to(t, 0.2, { force3D: "auto", y: c, ease: punchgs.Power3.easeOut }); } }; var tt = function (n, r) { var i = n.parent(); if (r.navigationType == "thumb" || r.navsecond == "both") { i.append('
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